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Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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Témata seminářů - zimní semestr: 1. Úvod do farmakologie, základní pojmy, definice, náplň oboru. Legislativa. Lékopisy. Regulační autority.    Obecné zásady předepisování LP. Základy receptury HVLP. Vyhledávání v databázích. Lékový záznam.2. Základy receptury IPLP. Způsoby a cesty podávání léčiv. Úvod do lékových forem.    Tekuté LF. Disperzní, polotuhé LF.3. Pevné lékové formy, LF 2. a 3. generace, Inkompatibility. Vývoj a klinické hodnocení léčiv.4. Nežádoucí účinky léčiv. Farmakovigilance. Léková alergie + anafylaktický šok.    Karcinogenní a mutagenní účinky.5. Léčiva ve specifických obdobích života. Poruchy eliminačních orgánů.6. Léčba bolesti. Léčba migrény.7. Celkové opakování. Zápočtový test.

Přednášky - zimní semestr: 1. Farmakodynamika – specifické a nespecifické mechanismy účinku léčiv; kvantitativní hodnocení interakce léčiv s receptorem.2. Farmakokinetika – prostup léčiva biomembránami, základní farmakokinetické děje a parametry. Absorpce.3. Farmakokinetika – distribuce a metabolismus léčiv.4. Farmakokinetika – exkrece léčiv. Eliminace podle kinetiky 1. a 0. řádu, farmakokinetické parametry eliminace a jejich význam.5. Farmakokinetické základy dávkování léčiv, jednorázové a opakované podávání léčiv.6. Individualizace farmakoterapie: farmakogenetika, genová terapie. Biologická léčba.7. Chemické mediátory a vegetativní nervový systém – sympatikus.8. Vegetativní nervový systém – parasympatikus.9. Chemické mediátory10. Léčba bolesti11. Antimigrenika. Antiepileptika.12. Psychofarmaka13. Centrální a periferní myorelaxancia. Celková a lokální anestetika.


Pharmacology is lively scientific discipline integrating knowledge of medical education starting with anatomy, histology. To understand pharmacological principles of drug efficacy, very food knowledge of biochemistry, physiology is requested and basic knowledge of pathophysiology and pathology as well.

Having completed an undergraduate degree in Pharmacology and the ability to successively work as clinicians, undergraduate dentists receive education in prescribing drugs safely and economically and are educated in principles of drug action. Overall knowledge of general medicine pharmacology is needed to make good decision for patient in dentistry office. The main attention is focused to mechanism of action of drug, its therapeutic effect , adverse effects, also to risk of toxicity, drug-drug interactions (prescribed often by other clinician), drug-food interactions.

To understand how drug acts, the content of Pharmacology teaching is based on chapters of general pharmacology and special parts.

General pharmacology covers pharmacodynamics ( i.e. general principles of drug action, chemical mediators, receptors and other drug targets, dose-response relationship) and pharmacokinetics, i.e. absorption, distribution, metabolism , elimination (ADME) of drug. Special parts of pharmacology are devoted to body systems (cardiovascular etc.) , strategy of treatment of diseases and groups of drugs according their mechanism of action. Indications, adverse effects, drug-drug interactions , contraindications are discussed. Also the role of medicinal plants is included.

Outcomes and skills: After 2 semesters of Pharmacology lessons and seminars, graduates will have knowledge in pharmacotherapy related specifically to dentistry and general knowledge in pharmacotherapy from other medicinal disciplines. The graduates will be able to integrate key elements of pharmacology to make pharmacotherapy effective, safe and economic. They will be able to provide safe and legal prescription. For actual information, they know and use drug databases. They follow regulatory authorities (EMA, FDA, SÚKL). They are able to recognize and report unexpected adverse effects. They should be opened for lifelong learning. They implement new approaches in clinical practice together with personal evaluation cost/benefit of pharmacotherapeutics .