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Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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Oftalmologie - historie, vztah k ostatním oborům medicíny. Anatomie a fyziologie oka.

Klinické vyšetření oka a jeho funkce. Speciální vyšetřovací metody v oftalmologii.

Poruchy refrakce oka. Brýle, kontaktní čočky, chirurgie refrakce.

Onemocnění víček, očnice a předního segmentu oka. Onemocnění sklivce a sítnice, pars plana vitrektomie.

Dětská oftalmologie, strabismus a amblyopie. Neurooftalmologie.

Onemocnění čočky a moderní způsoby operace katarakty. Glaukom - konzervativní a chirurgická léčba.

Oční traumatologie a první pomoc. Systémová onemocnění a oko.


Lectures are held (unless the teacher decides otherwise) in the seminar room of the I.Internal Clinic (entrance B, 1 underground floor).

Seminars are held in Eye Clinic, E, 4th floor.

In the event of a restriction of the free movement of the population by national authorities or the closure of schools, the teaching will take the form of online lectures and presentations located on the e-learning portal LF UK- Moodle.

Content of the lessons:

Ophthalmology - history, relation to other branches of medicine. Anatomy and physiology of the eye. Clinical examination of the eye and its

Function. Special examination methods in ophthalmology. Eye refraction disorders. Glasses, contact lenses, refraction surgery.

Diseases of the eyelids, eye and anterior segment of the eye. Diseases of the vilin and retina, pars plana viteectomy.

Pediatric ophthalmology, strabismus and amblyopia. Neuroophthalmology. Lens disease and modern methods of surgery cataracts (transfer of operations from the operating room). Glaucoma - conservative and surgical treatment. Eye traumatology and first aid. Systemic diseases and eye.

Ophthalmology - history and relation to other fields of medicine. Anatomy and physiology of the eye. Clinical examination of the eye and assessment of eye´s function. Special clinical examination methods. Refractive errors. Spectacles, contact lenses, refractive surgery. Diseases of the lids, orbit and anterior segment of the eye. Disorders of the vitreous and retina, pars plana vitrectomy. Pediatric disorders, squint and amblyopia. Neuroophthalmology. Disorders of the lens and modern cataract surgery. Glaucoma - conservative and surgical treatment. Ocular traumatology and first aid. Systemic diseases and the eye.