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Czech for Foreigners I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |



Greetings and basic social phrases; basic vocabulary (university, city); Where are you from? (Countries).

Czech sounds; Czech Alphabet; Verb „být“ – „to be“; Personal Pronouns; Numerals 1–10; Demonstrative pronoun „ten“; Gender of Czech nouns, Nominative case;  Adjectives; Possessive pronouns; Adverbs.  


Days and Months; Seasons;  My Flat. In a Restaurant.                       

Adverbs of  place;  Present tense of Czech verbs, Conjugation; Accusative singular case.  


My Day; Shopping; Clothing; Holiday – Christmas.

Verbs „umět, znát, vědět – to know“;  Verb of motion „ jít,  jet – to go“;  Accusative case of  personal pronouns; Nominative plural case.  


My Family.  My Study Programme.

Indefinite and negative pronouns and adverbs. Addressing people – Vocative case.  Czech numerals.  


Travelling; Asking about the Way.

Questions „Kde?, Kam? – Where?, Where to?“; Locative singular case; revision of the accusative case.  


Hobbies and Interests. Holiday – Easter.

Genitive singular case; Revision of cases;  verbs „to like“; modal verbs.       


At the Doctor´s;  the date;  When were you born?

Past tense; Ordinary numbers; Perfective and imperfective verbs; Dative singular case.  


Human Body (basic description)

Expressing future; Instrumental singular case; Reflexive pronouns.     


The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the basics of the Czech language system (vocabulary, grammar). Students will learn how to use the language in everyday situations (communication skills), they will be able to read and understand simple texts in Czech.