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Propedeutics of Internal Medicine (1)

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |




The subject Propedeutics of Internal Medicine contains 13 lectures and 13 practicals. Students are acquainted with the principles of ethical approach to patients, taking medical history, doing physical examination of individual body parts and organ systems. Lectures also deal with laboratory and imaging methods used in internal medicine. Practical teaching takes place mainly in the wards of the Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Cardiology and consist of 13 practicals. Practicals are focused on the general approach to the patient, description of the chief complaint, history of present illness and past medical history of the patient. Students carry out systematic physical examination of patients. We emphasize the systematic approach to investigations of individual parts of the body or organ systems. Students learn to recognize physiological and pathological findings. Thorough examination of the patient gives the student an invaluable practical experience. The student learns empathy, sensitive approach. Contact with the patient is the most and we emphasize it; however, training in the seminar room, descriptions of ECG records or watching instructional videos are also part of the course. During practicals, students will also visit various departments of the internal and cardiology clinic, where they follow examinations (eg sonography, coronarography, gastroscopy, colonoscopy etc.). Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Lectures are optional, but we strongly recommend participation. A detailed syllabus of the course is given in the attachment (Syllabus/Lectures). Condition for granting the credit is participation in practicals (we tolerate 10% absence). The course is completed by an exam, which has a practical and theoretical part. For a list of required and recommended literature, a list of questions to the exam and a description of the components of the exam see relevant attachments.