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Internal Medicine I (1)

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Internal Medicine - Lectures                     course 3, General Medicine, summer semester

Introduction to cardiology. Diseases of the heart valves. Diseases of the myocardium (myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, tumours). Diseases of the pericardium. (Rokyta)

Coronary heart disease. Etiopathogenesis. Acute and chronic forms, diagnosis and treatment. (Bernat)

Acute and chronic heart failure. (Rokyta)

Disorders of heart rate, rhythm and conduction. Diagnosis, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. (Vančura)

Pulmonary hypertension primary and secondary. Pulmonary embolism, thromboembolic disease. Cor pulmonale (Rokyta)  

Arterial hypertension, definition, grades. Primary and secondary hypertension. Ethiology, target organ damage. Management of hypertension, thresholds for intervention, non-drug and drug therapy. (Bernat)

Chronic lower limb arterial disease. Buerger´s disease. Raynaud´s disease and Raynaud´s syndrome. Acute limb ischemia. Aortic anuerysm, aortic dissection. Phlebitis and deep vein thrombosis. Lymphangoitis, lymph edema (Rokyta)

Respiratory disease. Key features on examination of common respiratory conditions. Investigation of respiratory disease. Inherited diseases of  the lungs. Community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonias. (Pešek/Havel)

Intersticial and infiltrative pulmonary diseases. Lung diseases due to organic and inorganic dusts, systemic inflammatory disease, vasculitides, granulomatous diseases. Diseases of pleura. (Pešek/Havel)

Obstructive pulmonary diseases. Asthma. Acute and chronic bronchitis. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchiectasis. Cystic fibrosis. (Pešek/Havel)

Tumors of the bronchus and lung. Bronchial carcinoma, differential diagnostic procedures, treatment, epidemiology. Mediastinal disorders - mediastinitis, tumours and pseudotumours of mediastinum (Pešek/Havel)

Acute and chronic respiratory failure. Emergency situations in pneumology, differential diagnosis of causes in acute and chronic respiratory failure, therapeutic procedures. Sleep apnea syndrome - diagnosis and therapy (Pešek/Havel)

Tuberculosis. Epidemiology. Diagnosis. Therapy. (Pešek/Havel)

Head of the department: Prof. MUDr. M. Matějovič, Ph.D. Deputy head:   Doc. MUDr. J. Eiselt, Ph.D.                                                                



The course Internal Medicine I contains 13 lectures on cardiology and pulmonology in the summer semester. Practical teaching takes place mainly in the wards of the 1st Department of Internal Medicine and the Department of Cardiology and consist of 13 practices. Practices are focused on the above mentioned disciplines of internal medicine. Students take medical history and physical examination of patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. During the practice, according to the current possibilities of the department (patients with the disease are present), students, under the guidance of their teachers, focus on typical symptoms (cheif complaint + clinical presentation + medical history) of cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases. They try to correlate the patient's medical history and current clinical condition with the findings of laboratory, imaging and functional tests. The interconnection of anamnestic data, physical findings, knowledge of the basics of pathophysiology of the disease and its reflection in graphical and other tests is crucial for understanding the disease and is also the basis for proper treatment. Thorough examination of a particular patient and a logical chain of steps for effective examinations, interpretations, and proper treatment should help students to memorize the knowledge of patients with cardiovascular and lung diseases. Conscientious and careful examination of the patient gives the student an invaluable practical experience. The student learns empathy, sensitive approach. Contact with the patient is the most and we emphasize it. Part of the course is also training in the seminar room, analysis of ECG records, watching instructional videos. During practicals, students will visit the complement component, and observe, where possible, examination and treatment of cardiovascular and lung diseases (coronarography, echocardiography, spirometry, etc.). Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Lectures are optional, but we strongly recommend participation. A detailed syllabus of the course is given in the attachment (Syllabus/Lectures). Condition for granting the credit is participation in practicals (we tolerate 10% absence) and successful completion of two tests, one focused on cardiovascular and the other on respiratory diseases.