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Social Medicine and Assessment Medicine

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |



Introduction to the study subject.  Social medicine and Public health . Theory of health and disease. Determinants of health and  possibilities how to affect them.  

World Health Organization. Meaning, activity, programs.  

History of medicine . Important personalities and discoveries in the history of medicine.  

Demography and its meaning for  health care. Health status of population, methods of study, aims and meaning of  its  study. Heath status indicators.  

Institute of Health Information and Statistics. International Classification of Disease and Related Problems. International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health.  

Health statistics. Basic concepts.  

Principles of modern health care. System approach  for health  and  medical care.  Systems of health care in the world. Health insurance. Financing of health care  

Health literacy. Health education .  

Organization of health care.  Therapeutic preventive care (methods, parts, rules, provision).  Ambulatory and hospital care. Primary care. Prevention and regular check-ups.   

Medical Assessment Service. System of social security. Sickness insurance. Pension insurance. System of social help.  

Social gerontology. Issues of old age and aging of individuals and populations. Health and social problems in old age. Long-term care. Principles and possibilities. Practical simulation of old age   (geronto-suit ).  


The aim of the 3-week block of Social Medicine, Public Health, Hygiene and Preventive Medicine is to acquaint students with the issue of providing primary health care. During their studies, they have not yet encountered this basic element of health care.

During the 2-week (10-day) internship with a general practitioner (GP, a general practitioner for adults or for children/adolescents), students get acquainted with the management of general practitioner's office, including finding out the scope and form of cooperation of general practitioners with assessment medicine.

Students will learn to examine patients with a focus on primary and secondary prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, to diagnose symptoms already present, to assess the risks of the diseases and their relationship to lifestyle, to design a personalized intervention and how to communicate it to the client/patient.

Students will prepare report on the internship (scope of work, typical patient profile, organization of work in the office, spectrum of medical procedures) and a case study of one of the patients examined during the internship.

Students will also take part in one-day internship at the Department of Occupational Medicine at the University Hospital in Pilsen. The aim of the internship is to enable students to expand basic knowledge of occupational medicine and occupational diseases, which they studied in the 5th year during a seminar within the course of Internal Medicine.

The internship with a general practitioner may be completed in advance after the end of the fifth year during the summer holidays or any time during the sixth year, but it must be completed by the end of 3-week block.