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Obstetrics and Gynecology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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Syllabus  (teaching schedule)  OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY

 VI. year, English, General Medicine

 Bed-side teaching:  5 hours per day in block - 20 days

 Student‘s independent work in all divisions of the department under teacher‘s guidance.

                Labor and delivery, postpartum care, postoperative care, high risk pregnancy,                 out patients, ultrasound, operative rooms, general gynecology

                /Preterm Labor and Delivery, Hemorrhage in Obstetrics, Hormonal Treatment,   

                Gynecological Oncology/

 State examination (test, oral)


Gynecology: Intersexuality. HRT.

Contraception. Hormonal treatment in gynecology.

Endometriosis. Pelvic pain.

Pelvic inflammatory disease. Sexually transmitted diseases.

Gynecologic operations. Urogynecology.

Precancerosis of the uterine cervix and the endometrium. Obstetrics: Bleeding in pregnancy. Obstetric analgesia.

Coagulopathy, DIC. Breech presentation.

Caesarean Section. Multiple pregnancy.

Postpartum care. Maternal and perinatal mortality.