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Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |



Pharmacology, toxicology, clinical pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmacovigilance, pharmacoeconomy.

Drugs and medicine. Sources of drugs. Names of drugs. Use of pharamacological agents in medicine. Drug formulations. Combination products in oral therapy.

Pharmacopoeia. Prescription writing. Prescription of CD. POM. OTC drugs. Proprietary and nonproprietary remedies and drugs. Prescribing for children?s and old patients.

Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics.

Drug administration. Lipid solubility and ionization of drugs. Fick?s-law. Movement of drugs across cellular barriers. Encephalic barrier. Placenta. Special drug delivery systems. Transdermal dosage forms. Absorption, distribution and redistribution of drugs. Bioavailability. Binding of drugs to plasma proteins. Volume of distribution. Elimination of drugs. Biotransformation of drugs. Phases. Microsomal, non-microsomal biotransformation. Cyt. P-450. Enzymes inhibition and induction. Excretion of drugs (renal, extrarenal). Enterohepatic circulation. First pass metabolism. Prodrugs.

Pharmacokinetics models. Single, two and multicompartment system. Linear and nonlinear kinetics. Zero and first order kinetics. Plasma half life, clearence, elimination constants. Bateman function. AUC. Continuous or intermittent drug administration. Infusion. Accumulation of drugs. Plateau-Css. Loading and maintenance dose.

Drug action. Specific, non-specific action. Mechanisms of action.. Primary drug targets (receptors, channels, enzymes, carriers). G proteins, second messengers. Agonists. Dose-effects relationship. Efficacy, potency. Antagonists. Drug antagonism and synergism. Partial agonism. Competitive and noncompetitive antagonism. Physiological and chemical antagonism.

Factors influencing drug kinetics and dynamics. Genetics and ethnic factors. Pharmacogenetics. Genetic polymorphism.

Interaction of drugs. Interaction drug - food.

Unwanted and adverse effects of drugs. Therap. index. Tolerance. Tachyphylaxis. Overdose. Resistance. Drug allergy and idiosyncrasy. Teratogenicity. Carcinogenicity. Treatment of poisonings. Antidotes.

Drug misuse and dependence.

Drug discovery and development. Preclinical and clinical trials. Double-blind trials. Phases. Placebo. Drug registration. Clinical pharmacokinetics. Therapeutic drugs monitoring. Use of drugs in neonates. Use of drug in children. Drugs and the elderly. Drug during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Teratogenicity. Mutagenesis, cancerogenesis. Compliance.

Drug-disease interaction. Influence of concomitant disease on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (disease of git, kidneys, liver, heart congest, failure, thyroid gl.) Therapeutic risk. Rational pharmacotherapy.

Special Pharmacology 1. Autonomic nervous system I. 2. Autonomic nervous system II. + neuromuscular function 3. NSAIDs, analgesics, anaesthetics (general, local) 4. Psychopharmacology, antiepileptics, antiparkinsonics 5. Cardiovascular Pharmacology I 6. Cardiovascular Pharmacology II 7. Antihistaminics, antiemetics (nausea, vertigo) 8. Pharmacology of git 9. Hormones, antidiabetic agents 10. Antibacterial drugs 11. Antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic drugs 12. Drugs used in cancer


Fate of a drug in the body ,targets for drug action ,the nature of receptors, transduction mechanisms,effects of grugs,adverse drug reactions/interactions, clinical trials , drug abuse and dental patients, prescribingthe pharmacology of infammation and pain, nervous systém, drugs acting on cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, chemotherapy of infectious + maliganant disease, antiseptics, disinfectant, control of dental caries and periodontal disease, haemostatic agents, endocrine system, vitamins, minerals, calcification, medical emergencies in dental practice