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Preventive Dentistry and Cariology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The meaning of prevention: primary, secondary, tertiary prevention, conditions for the development of prevention, content of the field of preventionof dentistry and basic termsOral hygiene aidsThe importance of nutrition in the prevention of dental cariesContemporary prevention and prophylaxis in dentistry (focus)The main ways to prevent dental caries (oral hygiene, dietary measures, fluoride application, fissure sealing, recall)Fluorides in the prevention and prophylaxis of dental caries, application of fluorides – endogenous, exogenousThe relationship between ppm and the concentration of a substance in percentHygienic principles of work in a dental office and specific risks in the work of a dentistSealing pits and fissures of teeth (indications, work procedure), preventive fillings (indications, manufacturing technique)Notes on toothpastes (composition)Child's dental cardEarly caries (EEC) – definitionRecall-systemDental hygienist, job description, cooperation with a doctorErgonomics in dentistry - arrangement and organization of the operation of the dentist's office, work while sitting while lying downpatient and standing with a sitting patient, activity zone, work with four hands.Personal and dental historyDental caries detection methods - clinical examination, x-ray bite-wing (D0-D4), transillumination, ECM, laser, penetrationdye, endoscopic methods, ultrasoundPreventive aspects in conservative dentistryDevelopmental and congenital (hereditary) defects of hard dental tissues hypomineralization (opacity), hypoplasia, dysplasiaAcquired non-carious changes (loss) of hard dental tissues (attrition, abrasion, erosion), diagnosis, prevention options andtherapyHistopathological picture of dental caries – caries of enamel, dentine, cementumDental caries from a clinical point of viewA new strategy to combat dental caries, managing acute caries

Anatomy and function of the periodontiumPathological changes of periodontal tissuesEtiology of periodontal diseasesPeriodontal examination, indexis used in periodontology


As part of the lectures, the student is introduced to the etiology and histopathology of dental caries. The methods are explained to the student diagnostics of dental caries and possibilities of preventive measures.

The student is informed about the acquired and developmental defects of hard dental tissues and the possibility of their treatment.

The causes of periodontal diseases are explained to the student and is familiar with the basic diagnosis of periodontal tissue diseases.