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Clinical Dentistry II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Stomatological examination

Evaluation of the dentition:

Caries lession detection, evaluation of existing restoration

Evaluation of radiograph, translumination of the teeth

Planning the restoration of individual teeth

Field isolation – placement of Rabber Dam

Cavity preparation for amalgam, the technik for Amalgam placement,

Condensation of amalgam, carving of amalgam, finshing and polishing amalgam restoration

Adhesive prepation for resin composite filling

Etching and bonding to enamel and dentin

Resin composite polymerisation

Adhesiv preparaion for glass- ionomer cement, GIC restoration

Evalution of the periodontium

Assessment of disease aktivity

Mucogingival examination

Conservative treatment of periodontal disease

Aplication of local anaesthesia

Teeth extraction and complication after extraction

Crown preparation and impression

Dental crown fixation

Impression for partial removable dentures and total dentures                             


Students work in four elementary dentistry departments: conservative dentistry department, prosthetic department, dental surgery department and periodontology department