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Internal medicine II (1)

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Internal Medicine - Syllabus/Lectures course 4, Dental Medicine, 2023/24, winter semester Wednesday, 17:00-18:40, ROOM P1 (floor -1)4.X "Systematic hypertension: definition, diagnosis, stages of the disease. Primary and secondary hypertension.

Treatment. – Heart failure of the left heart, failure of the right heart, bilateral heart failure. Clinical symptoms and signs, treatment.(Rokyta)"11.X Myocarditis, pericarditis: etiology, clinical symptoms and signs, classification, treatment.

Infective endocarditis: causes, cinical presentation, course of the disease, treatment, prophylactic measures. (Rokyta)18.X Inborn heart disorders. Acquired heart disorders.

Clinical symptoms and signs, treatment. (Lhotský)25.X Heart rhythm disorders and conduction disturbances: classification, clinical presentation, treatment. Most common supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias. (Vančura)1.XI Ischemic heart disease: etiology, classification.

Stable and unstable angina. Acute myocardial infarction.

Chronic ischemic heart disease. Clinical presentation, treatment. (Bernat)8.XI Superficial thrombophlebitis.

Deep vein thrombosis. Pulmonary embolism, Symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment (Hromádka)15.XI Acute and chronic bronchitis.

Bronchial asthma. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Pneumonias. Interstitial pulmonary diseases. (Teřl)22.XI Lung tuberculosis: cause, epidemiology, diagnosis, forms of the disease, treatment.

Atypical mycobacterias (Kirchnerová)29.XI Bronchial and lung tumours. Lung cancer – types, diagnosis, treatment.

Diseases of the pleura: Pleuritis with and without exsudate. Tumours of pleura.

Mediastinal syndromes. (Pešek)6.XII Examinations in hematology and hemato-oncology: medical interview, physical examination, laboratory tests – blood count, bone marrow biopsy etc. Anemias: definition, classification, clinical symptoms and signs – especially relations to the oral cavity.

Treatment of anemias (Motáň)13.XII Bleeding disorders: bleeding due to vessel wall impairment, due to platelets, due to coagulation factors, due to fibrinolysis. Hemophilia A,B.

Von Willebrand´s disease. Idiopathic trombocytopenic purpura.

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

Bleeding due to disorder of other organs (kidney, liver etc). Diagnosis and treatment.

Blood transfusion and complications associated with blood transfusion (Karvunidis)20.XII Myeloaplastic/dysplastic/proliferative syndromes. Leukemias and lymphomas.

Multiple myeloma. Manifestations in the area of the head, oral cavity, neck.

Therapy in hemato-oncology, chemotherapy, bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (Lysák)10.I substitutional term prof. MUDr.

Martin Matějovič, Ph.D. doc. MUDr.

Jaromír Eiselt, Ph.D. Head of the Dept. of Medicine I Deputy Head



The subject Internal Medicine for students of dental medicine contains 13 lectures and 13 practicals. Students are acquainted with the principles of ethical approach to patients, taking medical history, doing physical examination of individual body parts and organ systems. Practical teaching takes place mainly in the wards of the Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Cardiology and consist of 13 practicals. Teaching in this semester is concentrated at cardiovascular medicine, pulmonology and hematology. A detailed syllabus of the course is given in the attachment (Syllabus/Lectures). Practicals are focused on the general approach to the patient with cardiovascular, respirtory or hematological problem, the description of the patients´s chief complaint, history of present illness and past medical history. Students carry out systematic physical examination of patients. We emphasize the systematic approach to investigations of individual parts of the body or organ systems. Students learn to recognize physiological and pathological findings. Thorough examination of the patient gives the student an invaluable practical experience. The student learns empathy, sensitive approach. Contact with the patient is the most and we emphasize it; however, training in the seminar room, descriptions of ECG records or watching instructional videos are also part of the course. During practicals, students will also visit various departments of the internal and cardiology clinic, where they follow examinations (eg echocardiography, coronarography, spirometry etc.). Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Lectures are optional, but we strongly recommend participation. Condition for granting the credit is participation in practicals (we tolerate 20% duly excused and compensated absence).

Required literature:

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, last ed., Author: Stuart H. Ralston et al.

The ECG Made Easy, last Edition; Author: John R. Hampton

Macleod's Clinical Examination, last Edition; Authors: Graham Douglas & Fiona Nicol & Colin Robertson.

Recommended literature:

Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases, 2nd Edition; Authors: M. Strachan, S. Sharma, J. Hunter


The subject Internal Medicine for students of dental medicine contains 13 lectures and 13 practicals. Students are acquainted with the principles of ethical approach to patients, taking medical history, doing physical examination of individual body parts and organ systems. Practical teaching takes place mainly in the wards of the Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Cardiology and consist of 13 practicals. Teaching in this semester is concentrated at endocrine deseases, diabetes mellitus, rheumatology and diffrential diagnosis of internal diseases. Practicals are focused on the patients with diabetes, endocrine and rheumatology diseases, patients with edema, chest pain, fever ect. A detailed syllabus of the course is given in the attachment (Syllabus/Lectures) and the practicals schoul concntrate at the topics just mentioned in lectures. Students examine patients and collect relevant information about patients´s chief complaints, history of present illness and past medical history. Students carry out physical examination of patients. We emphasize the systematic approach to investigations of individual parts of the body or organ systems. Students learn to recognize physiological and pathological findings. Thorough examination of the patient gives the student an invaluable practical experience. The student learns empathy, sensitive approach. Contact with the patient is the most and we emphasize it; however, training in the seminar room, descriptions of ECG records, studying lab tests results or watching instructional videos are also part of the course. Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Lectures are optional, but we strongly recommend participation. Condition for granting the credit is participation in practicals (we tolerate 20% duly excused and compensated absence). In summer semester, the course is completed by an exam, which has only theoretical part. For a list of questions to the exam see relevant attachment.

Required literature:

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, last ed., Author: Stuart H. Ralston et al.

The ECG Made Easy, last Edition; Author: John R. Hampton

Macleod's Clinical Examination, last Edition; Authors: Graham Douglas & Fiona Nicol & Colin Robertson.

Recommended literature:

Davidson's 100 Clinical Cases, 2nd Edition; Authors: M. Strachan, S. Sharma, J. Hunter