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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Classification of tumors of the orofacial landscape - typing, grading, staging, TNM system, MKN-O.

Epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms of the orofacial landscape.

Clinical manifestations of benign and malignant tumors of the orofacial landscape.

Biological behavior and metastasis of tumors of the orofacial landscape.

Oncological prevention and prognosis of tumors of the orofacial landscape.

Diagnostic methods used in maxillofacial oncology.

Curative, palliative and symptomatic treatment in oncology.

Treatment of orofacial neoplasms. Importance of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted treatment.

Principles of surgical treatment of orofacial tumors. Reconstructive surgery.

Benign and malignant epithelial tumors of the orofacial landscape.

Benign and malignant mesenchymal tumors of the orofacial landscape.

Odontogenic tumors.

Vasoformative tissue tumors and vascular malformations.

Salivary gland tumors.

Hemato-oncological diseases of the orofacial landscape.

The so-called epulides and other pseudotumors.


Facial injuries, classification, specifics, etiology and epidemiology of facial injuries.

Classification of jaw and facial bone fractures.

Symptoms of jaw fractures, examination of the patient.

Fracture healing and its disorders, general complications, first aid, reduction methods.

Fracture fixation.

Dental injuries, diagnosis and methods of treatment.

Jaw luxation, diagnosis, first aid and therapy.

Fractures of the lower jaw, classification, diagnosis and methods of therapy.

Classification of fractures of the middle facial floor, symptoms, examination, treatment.

Cranial base fractures.

Fractures in childhood.

Injury to the salivary glands.

Physical and chemical injuries to the face.

Facial injuries in the framework of combined injuries and polytraumas.


The lectures of the winter semester are focused on orofacial oncology. They are divided into a general part and a part special. The student will acquire knowledge about epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, classification, biological behavior and prognosis of orofacial neoplasms. He is also introduced to the basics of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of individual types tumors affecting this area.

The lectures of the summer semester are focused on dental and maxillofacial traumatology. Healing of bones delayed healing. General principles of fracture treatment- reduction, fixation and immobilization. Methods of osteosynthesis-surgical treatment of maxillofacial fractures. Midface (maxillary) fractures, classification. Clinical features of midface fractures. Treatment planning of midface fractures. Mandibular injuries-fractures,dislocation of the condyles.

Dentoalveolar injuries.

Features of fracture managing in childhood. Other head injuries-frontobasal and laterobasal trauma. Complications of maxillofacial trauma. Treatment of soft tissue injuries, injuries of the salivary glands.