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Porodnictví a gynekologie

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |

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Syllabus – Gynecology and Obstetrics for 4th year Dentistry

  Practical course

- in a 7-day block in summer semester

 In individual wards, the students will get acquainted with the most common disorders in Gynecology and Obstetrics. At the high-risk pregnancy ward: infertility, premature delivery, post-term gestation, gestosis.

At the labor ward: Course of physiologic vaginal delivery, if available cesarean section and forceps delivery. At the postpartum ward: Physiological and pathological course of the puerperium and the rooming-in system.

At gynecology wards: basic types of gynecologic surgery for uterine myoma, ovarian tumors,  gynecologic malignant tumors. They will learn about laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.

At the out-patient department they will learn about follow-up of high-risk pregnancy, gynecologic precancerous lesions and malignancies.  

 Block course –  7 lectures

 Lecture topics:   

Lectures : Fridays 10.00 - 11.40 hod – Sem.1. – III.NP.  

 Topics: Ectopic pregnancy, Gynecologic oncology,  Pelvic inflammatory disease and  Sexually transmitted diseases, Menstrual cycle,, Labor and delivery , Prenatal care, Contraception      

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Labor and delivery, postpartum care, postoperative care, high-risk pregnancy, outpatients, ultrasound, gynecologic operations, general gynecology. Basic gynecological operations (pre and postoperative care).

Breech presentation (ethiology, diagnosis, management, delivery).