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Forensic Dentistry

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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 Forensic Dentistry

(Dentistry – Year 5; Winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023)

Lecturers: MUDr. et MUDr. Miroslav Dvořák – Department of Forensic PathologyMUDr. Jan Netolický, Ph.D. – Department of Dentistry

Time of lectures/seminars: Tuesdays, every other week from 4:40 pm to 6:20 pmPlace: will be announced before each lecture/seminarContact with the lecturer/examiner in written form only - email address:

Textbook (at the faculty library or for free in pdf format available online): Simpson´s Forensic Medicine, 13th edition, 2011

Lectures / Seminars:

(1) 11th October 2022Forensic medicineThe appearance of the body after deathIdentification of the dead

(2) 25th OctoberBlunt force injury, Sharp force injuryGunshot injury

(3) 8th November (may still change - the exact day and time will be announcedby MUDr. Netolický)Forensic dental identification:Identification of persons according to the teeth; Age estimation according to the teeth

(4 / 5) 22th November - double seminaryChild physical abuse, Shaken baby syndrome, Bite injurySIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome)Electrical injuryInjury caused by heat and coldCarbon monoxide poisoning

(6 / 7) 6th December – double seminaryAsphyxia – Hanging, Ligature strangulation, Manual strangulationDrowning; Road traffic injury  


"Forensic dentistry is the study and practice of aspects of dentistry that are relevant to legal problems." (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2009)

The work of a forensic dentist (odontologist) includes:

- Identification of unknown human remains through dental records.

- Assisting at the scene of a mass disaster.

- Analysis of bite marks found on victims of attack.

- Age estimations of both living and deceased persons.

Principles of Forensic Pathology are an indispensable basis of Clinical Forensic Medicine as well as Forensic Dentistry.