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Surgery II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Urinary tract infections, urolithiasis. Lower urinary tract dysfunctions (BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia, neuropathic urinary bladder, urinary incontinence).

Urooncology – tumors of kidney, urinary bladder, prostate and testicle. Benign diseases of male genitalia, the most important urogenital anomalies, andrology.

Operative approaches in urology, urological emergency. Heart trauma.

Surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease. Complications of ischemic heart disease and their surgical treatment.

Valvular heart diseases and their surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of aortic dissection.

Fractures – definition, classification, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, healing, healing disturbances; joint dislocations – first aid, treatment; intraarticular fractures, extraarticular fractures. Spine and pelvic fractures.

Knee joint soft tissue injurie. Tendinopathies (rotator cuff, golfer’s elbow, tenis elbow, tendovaginitis, planta fasciitis, plantar spur), tendon injurie.

Cervical and lumbal pain (etiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, treatment). Arthrosis and joint replacements.

Infections of the bones and joints. Developmental dysplasia of the hip, Perthes disease.

Tumours of bones and soft tissues. Flat foot in children and adults.

Surgery of congenital and developmental disorders of nervous system. Intracranial hypertension.

Head and brain trauma. Tumorous and vascular lesions of the head and brain.

Functional neurosurgery (treatment of pain, epilepsy and movement disorders, lesional functional neurosurgery). Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery.


Urinary tract infections, urolithiasis. Lower urinary tract dysfunctions (BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia, neuropathic urinary bladder, urinary incontinence).

Urooncology – tumors of kidney, urinary bladder, prostate and testicle. Benign diseases of male genitalia, the most important urogenital anomalies, andrology.

Operative approaches in urology, urological emergency. Heart trauma.

Surgical treatment of ischemic heart disease. Complications of ischemic heart disease and their surgical treatment.

Valvular heart diseases and their surgical treatment. Diagnosis and treatment of aortic dissection.

Fractures – definition, classification, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, healing, healing disturbances; joint dislocations – first aid, treatment; intraarticular fractures, extraarticular fractures. Spine and pelvic fractures.

Knee joint soft tissue injurie. Tendinopathies (rotator cuff, golfer’s elbow, tenis elbow, tendovaginitis, planta fasciitis, plantar spur), tendon injurie.

Cervical and lumbal pain (etiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, treatment). Arthrosis and joint replacements.

Infections of the bones and joints. Developmental dysplasia of the hip, Perthes disease.

Tumours of bones and soft tissues. Flat foot in children and adults.

Surgery of congenital and developmental disorders of nervous system. Intracranial hypertension.

Head and brain trauma. Tumorous and vascular lesions of the head and brain.

Functional neurosurgery (treatment of pain, epilepsy and movement disorders, lesional functional neurosurgery). Basics of plastic and reconstructive surgery.