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Medical Terminology - Latin

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


February 1. Pronunciation of Latin sounds. Introduction to grammar. Declension of nouns. Cases. Prepositions. 1st declension – Latin nouns, Greek nouns. 2. 2nd declension – Latin nouns, Greek nouns. 3. Adjectives: 1st and 2nd declensions. Ordinal numerals.

March 4. Continuous test I. 4th and 5th declensions. 5., 6. 3rd declension – masculine and feminine nouns. (Latin nouns and Greek nouns.) 7. 3rd declension – neuter nouns. (Latin nouns and Greek nouns.)

April 8. 3rd declension – adjectives. 9. Regular, irregular and defective comparison of adjectives. 10. Continuous test II. Numerals – cardinal, ordinal, multiple. Prescriptions in Latin. 11. Word formation. Latin and Greek prefixes + Latin and Greek suffixes and their specific meanings in medical terminology.

May 12. Word formation – compounds. Latin terms and their Greek equivalents frequently used in medical terms. 13. Revision 14. Credit test


basic grammar rules (declensions, comparison of adjectives, numerals), word formation (prefixes, suffixes, Greek and Latin stems, forming and understanding medical terms in anatomy and other medical fields), basic medical vocabulary