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Základy klinické medicíny I.

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |

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1. Introduction to the study of medicine - basic legal aspects of the medical profession, communication with the patient, communication with the family, confidentiality, conflict situations and their solutions, ethics in medicine, basic ethical problems in contemporary medicine, teamwork in medicine, interdisciplinary cooperation, research in medicine2. Primary care of patients - first contact medicine, the role of general practitioners, the importance of preventive medicine, screening programs, outpatient treatment, documentation in outpatient medicine, specific situations in care for pediatric patients, pregnant women and seniors, home care, basic concepts in epidemiology3. Procedure of diagnosis - the importance of anamnesis in diagnosis, basic physical examination of the patient, measurement of vital functions, cognitive function, consciousness; laboratory examination, instrumental examination, imaging methods; histopathological examination, treatment decisions, multidisciplinary teams4. Care of a hospitalized patient - reasons for hospitalization, organization of the inpatient department, non-medical staff in the inpatient department, basics of keeping documentation on medical and nursing care, medical services, drug treatment, diet, rehabilitation..etc.5. Patient care in surgical fields - basics of asepsis and antisepsis, wound care, preparation for surgery, analgesia and anesthesia, surgery and perioperative care - organization of work in the operating room, staff in the operating room, postoperative care6. Care of patients in intensive care - intensive care medicine and its importance, basic procedures of intensive care, support of vital functions in intensive care7. Preventive medicine, health promotion and protection - healthy lifestyle, preventive programs, basics of nutrition in health and disease, physical aktivity, the impact of the environment on human health, hygiene service, health protection at workTwelve hours of nursing practice in the inpatient department - care of the patient's bed, blood pressure measurement, heart rate measurement, body temperature measurement, fluid intake and output control, feeding the patients, help with administration of medication, hygiene rules at the ward, patient hygiene care, basic rules of rehabilitation..etc.


„Základy klinické medicíny I je předmět, který seznamuje studenta se základními etickými, právními a profesionálními problémy lékařství, péče o nemocné a také zásady provádění výzkumu v medicíně. Popisuje základní systém zdravotní péče – postup stanovení diagnózy, význam prevence v medicíně, a dále léčebnou péči - primární péči, přednemocniční péči, seznamuje studenty s průběhem hospitalizace, s charakteristikami péče o nemocné v ambulanci, na lůžkovém oddělení interním, chirurgickém a intenzivní péče.

Student se seznámí se základními způsoby ošetřování nemocného u lůžka, jejich význam a v praktických cvičeních se účastní péče o nemocné u lůžka.“