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Farmakologie II.

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |


Seminars - topics: Phytotherapy and phytotoxicology.Introduction of toxicology. Toxic metals. Antidotes.Animal toxicologyHomeopathy and other alternative medicine methods.Pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases.Pharmacotherapy of gastrointestinal diseases.Hormonal substitution treatment and contraceptives.Drugs in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.Drug addiction.Drug interaction.Total repetition.Credit test. Lectures:

1. Antibiotics I.2. Antibiotics II.3. Antifungals, antivirals, antiparasitics. Disinfectants.4. Pharmacotherapy used in dermatology. Pharmacotherapy used in ophthalmology.5. Drugs affecting cardiovascular system – overview.6. Antihypertensive and lipid-lowering drugs.7. Treatment of heart failure and antidysrhythmic drugs.8. Antithrombotic treatment (anticoagulants, anti-platelet drugs, fibrinolytics).9. Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of endocrine diseases including diabetes mellitus.10. Substances affecting the immune system (immunosuppression and immunostimulation). Pharmacotherapy in rheumatology.11. Pharmacotherapy of osteoarthrosis and osteoporosis.12. Anticancer drugs. Contrast agents and radiopharmaceuticals.13. Acute pharmacotherapy.