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(13.10 – 14.50 Hnědá posluchárna Unimec 1)

Immunology 3rd year - General Medicine 2022/2023  4. 10. 2022 prof. MUDr. Petr Panzner, CSc.

Immune system and its importance for homeostasis. Components of the immune system and their cooperation.

Barrier functions of the human body and defense mechanisms.

Non-specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms.

Specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms.

Phagocytosis and its importance for immunity.

Neutrophils, their ontogenesis, and function.

Natural killer cells. Interferons. Characteristics and function.    11. 10. 2022 Mgr. Jitka Ochotná

Complement, pathways of activation, biological significance.

Alternative pathway of complement activation and its regulation.

Classical pathway of complement activation and its regulation.

The biological significance of complement and its mechanisms of regulation.

Basophils and mast cells and their role in the immune reactions.

Immune mechanisms of the inflammation (local and systemic reaction).

Antigen, hapten, epitope - basic characteristics. T-independent antigens, superantigens. Sequestered antigens - immunologically privileged tissue.

Chemical nature and molecular size of antigens. Degree of foreignness.

Cytokines (overview, disposal according to their functions).

Physiological mechanisms of regulation of the immune system. Cytokines.   18. 10. 2022 prof. MUDr. Petr Panzner, CSc.

HLA system, 1st class molecules, their structure, and function.

HLA system, 2nd class molecules, their structure, and function.

HLA system, genetic background. HLA typing.

Macrophages, dendritic cells, their ontogenesis, and function.

Antigen-presenting cells - types, function.

Modes of antigen presentation.

T-lymphocytes, ontogenesis, surface markers. Subpopulations of T-lymphocytes and their functions.

The role of the thymus. Positive and negative selection of T-lymphocytes.

Th1 based immune reaction.

Th2 based immune reaction.

Tc based immune reaction.   25. 10. 2022 MUDr. Martina Vachová, Ph.D.

B-lymphocytes - ontogenesis, surface markers, function.

Immunoglobulins - structure.

Immunoglobulins - function.

Genetic background of immunoglobulin production.

Biological and chemical characteristics of immunoglobulin classes IgG and IgA.

Biological and chemical characteristics of immunoglobulin classes IgM, IgD, and IgE.

Isotype switching. Idiotypes and anti-idiotypes - their role. Immunological memory.

Ontogenesis of the immune response.

Primary immune response.

Secondary immune response. Effector functions of antibodies.   1. 11. 2022 Mgr. Jitka Ochotná

Defense against extracellular pathogens (bacteria and unicellular parasites).

Defense against multicellular parasites.

Defense against intracellular pathogens (bacteria and unicellular parasites).

Anti-viral defense.

Active and passive immunization.

Tumor immunology - tumor antigens, mechanisms of defense.   8. 11. 2022 MUDr. Martin Liška, Ph.D. Imunodeficience

Immunodeficiencies - characteristics, division, clinical manifestations

Clinical features of immunodeficiencies

Primary immunodeficiencies – defects of phagocytosis, complement system and antibodies

Immunoglobulin replacement therapy    15. 11. 2022 MUDr. Martin Liška, Ph.D.

Primary immunodeficiencies – combined immunodeficiencies, deficiencies with dysregulation of immune system, well-defined syndromes with immunodeficiency

Therapy of primary immunodeficiencies – stem cell transplantation, substitutional and gene therapy

Secondary immunodeficiencies – etiology, clinical symptoms, treatment

AIDS    22. 11. 2022 Mgr. Jitka Ochotná

Immunological examination before transplantation (examination of sensitization,

HLA typing).

Transplantation immunity - alloimmune reaction.

Types of graft rejection.

Immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity) type II. Principles. Examples of pathological conditions.

Immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity) type III. Principles. Examples of pathological conditions.

Immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity) type IV.Principles. Examples of pathological conditions.   29. 11. 2022 MUDr. Martina Vachová, Ph.D.

Autoimmune diseases - pathophysiology, division, laboratory diagnostics, treatment.

Autoantibodies and their diagnostic significance.

Examples of systemic autoimmune diseases.

Examples of organ-localized autoimmune diseases.

Examples of organ-specific autoimmune diseases.

Immunosuppressive treatment - examples of drugs, indications, risks   6. 12. 2022 prof. MUDr. Petr Panzner, CSc.

Immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity) type I.

Allergens - definition, division, and nomenclature.

Anaphylaxis - pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, treatment.

Diagnostic procedures used in allergology.

Treatment of allergic diseases.

Examples of diseases based on the immunopathological reaction of type I.   13. 12. 2022 prof. MUDr. Ulčová-Gallová, DrSc.

Primary and secondary antiphospholipid syndrome.

Immune mechanisms of male infertility.

Immune mechanisms of female infertility.

Neuro-endocrine-immunologic interrelationships in gravidity. Principle of materno-fetal tolerance. Rh incompatibility.    20. 12. 2022 MUDr. Martin Liška, Ph.D.

Radioimmunoassay, enzyme immunoassay - principles, practical use.

Laboratory measurement of specific IgE antibodies.

Laboratory measurement of autoantibodies.

Flow cytometry - principles, practical use.

Laboratory methods of assessment of cellular immunity.

Laboratory methods of assessment of humoral immunity.    3. 1. 2023 Mgr. Jitka Ochotná



Characteristics of the immune system, barriers, innate and adaptive immunity, phagocytosis, NK cells, interferons, complement, antigen, MHC system, immune organs and tissues, T and B lymphocytes, antigen presentation, immunoglobulins, primary and secondary immune response, onthogenesis of the immune response, immunosuppression, tolerance, immunopotentiation, immunization - active, passive, laboratory methods, hypersensitivity reactions, atopy, drug hypersensivity, autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiencies, transplantation immunology, tumor immunology, immunology of reproduction.