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Practice: Internal Medicine

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Range of practice 60 hours after summer semester


During the practice the students should: be informed about the organisation of the Department, about the duties and responsibility of physicians, nurses and other members of the staff be informed about the time-schedule of the work at the Department during all the day, about the system of consultations of specialists, about the co-operation with other Departments (X-ray department, laboratories) care about one patients´ ward (6-7 patients): to do admissions, examination, ward-rounds, treatment and discharge of patients, to exert s.c., i.m., i.v. injections, to participate at all the procedures (e.g.: pleural effusion or ascites removals, lumbar punctures, endoscopy, urinalysis, blood count, biochemical results and ecg and X-rays evaluation etc.) under the supervision of a physician, of course. Together with a physician of the department the student should discuss all the problems of diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, occupational capability etc. participate at the big ward-rounds wards of the Department together with the chief or deputy chief physician. Each of the students should elaborate 2-3 courses of patients with detailed analysis of the disease, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis which should serve as a topic for closing meeting organized by chief (or deputy chief) physician of the department. The courses of the diseases of the patients discussed (without complete names and without addresses of the patients) should be given to the University teacher at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, who is responsible for the practical holiday´s training of students. Those case should preferably concern most common internal diseases as follows: heart valve disease, myocardial infarction and other forms of ischemic heart disease, diseases of the kidney – glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal system (liver, stomach, gall bladder, malignancies), diseases of  the lungs (chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease, bronchial asthma), vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, anaemia, hyperthyreoidism, diabetes mellitus participation of students at all medical meetings of the department is desirable

At the end of the holidays practice the knowledge of the students should be proved by an interview with the chief physician or the teacher of the faculty who may come to check the students.; attention must be paid in this interview above all to the: physical examination of:a) the heart, b) the lungs, c) the abdomen, d) the liver, e) the spleen etc.  basic ECG patterns:a)normal ecg, b) acute myocardial infarction, c) left and right ventricular hypertrophy, d) heart rhythm disorders, e) left and right bundle branch block, a-v heart blocks, f) influence of digitalis or other treatment on ecg       clinical findings of some diseases:a) ischemic heart disease, b) mitral and aortic valve disorders, c) heart failure and its treatment, d) vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, e) hypertension, f) pneumonia and bronchopneumonia, g) chronic obstructive lung disease, h) lung cancer, i) cancer of stomach or colorectal cancer, j) peptic ulcer, k) hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, l) diseases of gall bladder, m) anaemia


After completing the practice, students will submit the confirmation form to English Study Dept. office to obtain a credit; such a confirmation must be submitted latest until the date of enrollment into the next year of study. The form is available from following link: Lékařská fakulta v Plzni | Univerzita Karlova (


To gain a more precise idea about the physicians activities at the department of internal medicine in a chosen hospital. To use and enrich his theoretical knowledge from University in symptomatology of internal diseases, in establishing the diagnosis, in basic methods of treatment.