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Practice: Surgery

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Range of practice 60 hours after summer semester Syllabus

1. The routine practice of the surgical department, it’s working schedule and organization of surgical services. organization of the wards, operating rooms and out-patient departments responsibilities of different categories of doctors and nurses (according to the system of the country in which the summer practice takes place, e.g. head of the dpt., deputy head, chief resident, resident, intern, senior consultant, consultant, senior registrar, registrar, house officer etc.) ward rounds, patient care, administrative procedures operating rooms, working schedules, aseptic techniques out-patient department, admission of new patients, controls and check-ups, administrative procedures organization of emergency care, night duties

2. Practical knowledge of all phases of examination and treatment of surgical patients. admission of the patients, history, physical examination, complementary studies (biochemistry, haematology, x-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI, endoscopic procedures) diagnosis, decision for operation, preoperative care, anaesthesia, postoperative care, infusions and parenteral nutrition, wounds dressing, rehabilitation, out-patient follow-up, prognosis for further life and work

3. Practical performance of simple procedures – injections, i.v. drips, blood transfusion, nasogastric tubes, wound dressing, incisions etc.

4. Assisting at operations and anaesthesia, wound suture

5. Treatment of fractures and dislocations, Plaster of Paris

6. Taking part in emergency and night duties (once a week)

7. Each student will closely follow course of disease of two patients assigned to him/her by the Head of the Department and will keep a duplicate of patient´s record (without the patient´s identity data). the assigned patients should have one of the following conditions: acute abdomen, gastric or duodenal ulcer, gallstones, gastrointestinal, colorectal or breast cancer, trauma. At the end of the practice the students should present their cases and discuss their treatment and prognosis. The records should also be presented to teacher responsible for summer practice. Confirmation After completing the practice, students will submit the confirmation form to English Study Dept. office to obtain a credit; such a confirmation must be submitted latest until the date of enrollment into the next year of study. The form is avvailable from following link: Lékařská fakulta v Plzni | Univerzita Karlova (


To get familiar with the daily routine and working schedule of a surgical department and to learn how to perform basic diagnostic and therapeutic surgical procedures in practice (surgical ambulance, emergency, night shift).