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New Aspects of Tumor Pathobiology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The aim of the core elective subject is to acquaint medical students with the latest knowledge about molecular basis of human diseases, especially cancer. Attention will be paid in particular to epigenetic processes and their impacts on neoplastic transformation and progression of tumours and selected nonneoplastic diseases.

Translation of new knowledge of disease processes, diagnostic or treatment techniques into routine clinical practice will be also mentioned. Two seminar sections and practical demonstration of selected methods in genetic lab are planned.


In this course will be introduced molecular basis of neoplastic transformation with focus on several biological principles such as epigenetic changes, RNA interference, DNA repair, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and cancer stem cell formation. All these phenomena, along with genetic changes, play the important role in the pathobiology and therapy of tumors.

Two seminars sections and demonstration of selected methods in genetic lab are planned.