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Brain - mechanisms and pathophysiology of its higher functions

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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Concept of memory and its classification

Short term memory

Long term memory - non declarative

Long term memory - declarative

Synaptic and network mechanisms of memory storage and retrieval

Neural representations of external world

Perspectives and new methods in neural research

Guest lecture/s - will be specified    

Koncept paměti a její klasifikace

Krátkodobá paměť

Dlouhodobá paměť - nedeklarativní

Dlouhodobá paměť - deklarativní

Mechanizmy formování a vybavení paměti na úrovni synapsí a neuronových sítí

Neurální reprezentace vnějšího světa

Perspektivy a nové metody neurálního výzkumu

Přednáška hosta/ů - bude upřesněno


You’ll learn about mechanisms of higher cognitive functions of the brain – learning and memory, sensory information processing, decision making, etc. The main impact of the course is on experimental neuroscience across its cellular and systems levels, and both on its basic and most recent achievements.

Despite we’ll always look for the relevant clinical projections, the primary focus is scientific. The seminar will mainly build on your previous knowledges in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.