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Surgery case reports - SS

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Surgical Case Reports is an optional subject which is intended for students inclined towards surgical fields. Individual online lectures will deal with key topics of surgery, these topics will be explained and presented using case examples.

Audiovisual data from clinical examinations of patients, diagnostic and imaging methods, but especially from own surgical procedures will be used for the presentation of case reports. The course is intended mainly for students in fourth and higher years, but the participation of students in lower years is not excluded.

The course will be conducted "live" in online form, it will be interactive and active participation of students will be required. Each case report will be actively discussed, alternative solutions will be presented.

Students will actively propose individual diagnostic options and forms of surgical solutions. The course will end with a test.


In on-line form the most common surgery cases will be presented to students, interesting case reports including photo and video documentation from operating rooms. It will be possible to have a live discussion on various surgical problems.