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Molecular imaging

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |

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1. Basic methods and procedures of molecular imaging : Indicator principle, distribution of contrast agents, perfusion imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, microstructure imaging by diffusion weighing in magnetic resonance imaging, use of radiopharmaceuticals2. Densitometry using CT: Hounsfield scale, densitometry of tissues, imaging using CT with dual energy, chemical analysis using CT3. Dynamic imaging of tissues: compartments, contrast medium-enhancement, multiphase imaging, extracellular intravascular substances, extracellular extravascular substances, intracellular substances

4. Perfusion display using CT: perfusion parameters - Patlak's model - mean transit time, blood volume, blood perfusion, time to peak5. Perfusion imaging using MRI: Perfusion parameters - Tofts model - iAUC, Ktrans, Ve, elimination constant, T2* magnetic resonance perfusion retardation, arterial spin labeling6. Imaging of the microstructure of tissues by diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging: The principle of diffusion weighing, diffusion restriction, diffusion facilitation, apparent diffusion coefficient, fractional anisotropy, intracellular oedema retardation, tissue cellularity imaging, tractography7. Magnetic resonance imaging of tissue chemical composition: Hemoglobin decay products, melanin, fat, calcium, susceptible weighing, in-phase/opposed-phase, Dixon imaging, water/fat imaging8. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: chemical shift, magnetic resonance and spectroscopy, hydrogen spectroscopy, phosphor spectroscopy, brain tissue spectroscopy, prostate spectroscopy, breast tumor spectroscopy9. Magnetic resonance relaxometry: Principle of relaxometry using magnetic resonance imaging, analysis of cartilage composition, analysis of myocardial structure10. Imaging of energy metabolism of tissues: Glycolysis of tissues and its imaging, normal differences in glycolytic activity of tissues, changes in glycolytic activity in tumor tissue, Warburg phenomenon, tissues and glycolysis, positron emission tomography and utilization of 18f-fluorodeoxylucose11. Tissue construction and proliferative activity of tissues: proteosynthesis of tissues and its imaging with 18F-fluoroethyltyrosine, construction of cell membranes and its imaging with 18F-fluorocholine, synthesis of nucleic acids and its imaging with 18F-fluorothymidine, bone restoration and its resolution with 18F-fluorothymidine markers12. Receptor imaging: Receptor principle of imaging, receptor imaging in dopaminergic disorders of the brain using PET and SPECT, receptor imaging of somatostatin receptors (111In-octreotide, 68Ga-DOTA-derivatives), receptor imaging using protein ligands (68Ga labeled ligands PSMA), receptor principle therapy with beta minus emitter (177Lu, 90Y)13. Test

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The elective subject Molecular Imaging Methods provides an overview of the modern method of structural and molecular imaging of human body tissues by imaging methods with a focus on internal imaging structure, chemical composition of tissues, blood circulation of tissues, exchange of substances between individual compartments by methods computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as hybrid imaging with positron emission tomography. The course provides an overview of clinical applications of various types of molecular imaging and their clinical perspective in the future.