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Perineální Trauma – Prevence, Edukace, Evaluace, Sutura & Ultrazvuk Kurz (PEERS+)

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |


* Structure

* Title: Perineal Trauma - Prevention Education, Evaluation Repair & Scanning Blended Learning Course (PEERS+).

PEERS+ is a blended learning course covering the topic of maternal perineal and pelvic floor trauma at the time of childbirth. It is suitable for different levels of students studying aspects related to women’s health. These include students studying medicine, midwifery, nursing and physiotherapy both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

The course utilises blended learning methodology. An online component will be made available to students if they want to refresh their memories about any aspect of the course content. Through student mobility and the collaboration of 4 partner universities, the workshop will provide an effective platform for networking between students from different years, courses and universities. The workshop is a three-day face-to-face course with theoretical and practical components in the form of hands-on training using simulators and animal models. Students will be able to reconstruct the pelvic floor anatomy using the purpose developed Pelvic+ and undertake surgical repairs on animal models to train candidates how to repair different degrees of perineal trauma included Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries.


Tento kurz se zaměřuje na management porodního traumatu pánevního dna. Kurz bude probíhat ve všech partnerských organizacích (UK, Heidelberg, Milán).

Kurz je založen na využití výkonné kompetenční pedagogiky, která podporuje kritické myšlení. Projekt se odvíjí okolo konceptu “student-centered learning” založeném na 4 klíčových principech: individualizaci učení, získání kompetence, možnosti absolvování kdykoliv/kdekoliv, studenty/participanty získaném vlastnictví znalostí a dovedností.

Tyto znalosti budou získávány postupně od relativně jednoduchých úloh až po komplexní simulace klinické reality.