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English Medical Terminology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Winter term

October Topics:       The Study of Medicine. The Structure of the Human Body. The Cell. Grammar: Introduction to English Medical Terminology and Pronunciation.

                    Latin/Greek plurals.

                    ArticlesNovember Topics: The Human Body. Principle Systems of the Human Body (an overview). The Skeletal and      

              Muscular System Grammar: Prefixes and suffixes. Giving instructions. Anatomical x lay Terms. Signs and symptoms.

                   Future forms. Shapes.

Continuous Test  

December Topics:  The Integumentary System. The Cardiovascular System. Grammar: Tenses used in presenting complaints and in taking history. Location.

JanuaryCredit test    

Summer term

February Topics:       The Digestive System. The Human Teeth Grammar: Conditionals

March Topics:       Oral Hygiene. Dental Professions. Grammar:  Passives. Noun formation.

April Topics:        Diseases of The Teeth and Oral Cavity. Dental Instruments. Presentations.                                                                                                                 Grammar:  Suffixes for diseases and surgical procedures. Phrasal verbs.

May Topics:       Common Dental Procedures. Grammar: Explaining medical terminology to a patient.

Credit TestExamination


The course focuses on teaching specific vocabulary and grammar that should enable students of dental medicine to use and understand medical resources and preparing students to take and understand patient medical histories, and improve their skills in history taking.