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German for Dentistry

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


October:          Personalien. Medizinstudium. Körper des Menschen                            Pronunciation of Greek-Latin medical terms. Borrowings in German. German abbreviations. Subject in German. Wordorder. Modal verbs.  

November:      Hausarzt.. Vorbereitung auf den Arztbesuch. Grunduntersuchung.             Auxiliary verbs. Reflexive verbs. Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.  

December:      Apotheke. Arzneimittel. Arzneiformen.                                                       Declension of adjectives. Prepositional verbs. Pronominal adverbs.  

January:          Gebrauchsinformation. Warum sollte man gesunde Zähne haben.              Irregular verbs. Credit test.  

February:        Mundhöhle. Anatomie des Zahnes. Zahnhalteapparat.                                            Past tenses. Preterite tense. Temporal clauses. Adjectival nouns.  

March:            Zahnentwicklung. Milchgebiss. Kranke Zähne.                                                       The pronouns „welcher“ and „was für ein“. Relative clauses. Past participle. Perfect tense.  

April:              Zahnpflege. Vorbereitung auf den Zahnarztbesuch. Angst vor dem Zahnarzt. Bare infinitive and infinitive with „zu“. Compounds. Past tenses of strong verbs. Directional adverbs.  

May:               Zahnarzt / Zahnärztin. Untersuchung des Patienten. Zahnarztpraxis.Translation of Czech sentences with the conjunction „aby“. Passive. Present participle. Credit test.  


Goal of the learning process: acquisition of language means for basic communication in the fields of healthcare and dentistry. Entry level of language skills: A2 – B1