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Infection Control and Ergonomics

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Categories of risky work places. Ways of prevention collective and individual. Periodical preventive chuck-ups.

Hygienic consequences of noise, vibration and dust exposition. Professional skin diseases. Absolute and relative contraindication for work in risk.

Possibilities of prevention. Physiology of work.

Working output. Fatigue and overload.

Shift working.Exposition to chemical substances (including genotoxic agents), possibilities of prevention. Health effects of Au, Ag, and stomatological compositions and resins exposition.

Influence of some industrial branches on oral cavity diseases. Hygienic aspects of indoor with respect to stomatological office and laboratory (humidity, temperature, illumination and chemical contamination).

Hygienic recommendation for sources of ionising radiation in offices and laboratories. Health effects of extreme psychical load of hospital workers.

Sources of high psychical load at work and possibilities of prevention. Out-burn effect.

Nosocomial infections and possibilities of prevention. Specific health risks of stomatological practice.

Health effects of long-term unilateral burden and possibilities of its compensation. Ergonomy.

Biological risks. Hands washing.

Protection against aerosol exposition. Handling with impressions.

Basic parts of legislation in primary prevention.