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Anatomy I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |



Olga Prochazkova, M.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS

OLga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

René Endlicher, RNDr., Ph.D.


Introduction to anatomy, general terms and planes. (Prochazkova 1)

General osteology and arthrology. Skeleton, main principles. (Prochazkova 1)

Skull - framework. Neurocranium. Splanchnocranium.(Prochazkova 2)

Craniometry. Sex and age differences of the skull.  (Kuchar 2)

TMJ. Skull, fossae and structures, paranasal sinuses. (Prochazkova 2)

General myology. Muscles of the head and neck, developmental aspects, division, function, innervation. Regions of the head and neck - neck trigons. (Prochazkova 3)

Overview of bones and joints of the upper and lower limb. Pelvis, diameters and planes. (Prochazkova 1)

Vertebral column, thorax. (Rejtarova 1)

Back and thoracic muscles. (Rejtarova 1)

Overview of muscles and topographic regions of upper and lower limbs. (Prochazkova 2)

Muscles of the abdominal wall, inguinal canal. Applied anatomy of the abdominal wall. Perineal muscles. (Prochazkova 1)

General angiology. Heart. (Endlicher 1)

Arteries and veins of the limbs, thorax, abdomen and pelvis. Portal system. (Endlicher 2)

Principles and overview of lymphatic system. Arteries, veins and lymphatics of the head and neck. Fetal circulation. (Endlicher 2)

Respiratory system, upper and lower respiratory tract. Lungs, pleura, mediastinum. Developmental abnormalities of the respiratory system. (Rejtarova 2)

Digestive system, oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands. Pharynx, esophagus, para and retropharyngeal spaces. (Prochazkova 2)

Stomach, small an large intestine. Appendix. (Hajek 1)

Liver, bile ducts and gallbladder, pancreas, spleen. (Hajek 1)

Peritoneum, developmental abnormalities of the GIT. (Prochazkova 2)

 Practical courses & seminars


Olga Prochazkova, M.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS

Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

René Endlicher, RNDr., Ph.D.

 Practical courses

Introduction, anatomical terminology, orientation on the body. General osteology and arthrology. Skull 1: bones of neurocranium and splanchnocranium.

Skull 2: temporal bone - canals and spaces, connections in the skull, the spaces and fossae in the skull. Temporomandibular joint.

Skull 3: sex and age differences of the skull; the newborn skull, craniometry and antropometry; variations and anomalies of the skull.

General myology, muscles of the head and neck, regions of head and neck, their content.

Pelvis, vertebra, vertebral column, thorax. Vertebral cannal with contens. Demonstration of bones and muscles of limbs.

Muscles of the thorax and back; muscles of abdominal wall, and pelvic floor, diaphragm, inguinal canal, abdominal regions. Topography of the upper (cubital fossa) and lower limbs (gluteal region);

Review examination of the locomotor system - spot test.

General angiology, heart, X-ray; arteries of the thorax, abdomen, pelvis and limbs.

Veins and lymphatic system of the body, portal system. Arteries, veins and lymphatic system of the head and neck; fetal circulation.

Upper respiratory tract, paranasal sinuses. Lower respiratory tract; lungs, pleura; mediastinum; situs viscerum in the thoracic cavity, developmental abnormalities of the respiratory tract. Coniotomy and tracheotomy.

Oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal space. Stomach, small and large intestine.

Liver, extrahepatic bile ducts, pancreas, spleen; peritoneum-development and final organization, situs viscerum in the abdominal cavity; developmental abnormalities of the GIT. Situs viscerum of peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal space - demonstration on the cadaver and anatomical models. Clinically oriented notes, videotapes, computer programes.

Review examination test of the circulatory, respiratory and gastrointestinal system of the head and neck. Credit.


Mastering of anatomic terminology; understanding of basic general morphology, acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge of the anatomic structure of the locomotion apparatus, further of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, circulatory and lymphatic systems. Particular attention is given to the orofacial region, its topography, variations, and embryonic development.

Understanding and practice of ethical principles.