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Anatomie II

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Dentistry, 1st year, summer term. 



Olga Prochazkova, M.D.

Assoc. prof. Dasa Slizova, M.D., Ph.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS

Katerina Stefkova, M.A., Ph.D.

Rene Endlicher, M.A., Ph.D.

No. Theme Lecturers Duration1    Male genital system.Prochazkova 12    Female genital system. Stefkova 1  3    Urinary system. Kuchař 14    Endocrine glands. Kuchař 1 5    Nervous system: introduction, organization and general principles of CNS and PNS, main features of structure and function, terminology. Prochazkova 2 6    Spinal cord, nervous plexuses, spinal nerves. Prochazkova 2 7    Brain stem, nuclei of the cranial nerves, reticular formation, IV.ventricle. Endlicher 2 8    Posterior cranial fossa.Cerebellum. Prochazkova 2 9    Diencephalon, Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system.Basal ganglia. Slizova 2 10  Telencephalon. Slizova 2 11  Cortex, hippocampus, c-shaped structures, fornix, limbic system. Slizova 2 12  Blood supply of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid system, ventricles, meninges. Stefkova 2 13  Nervous pathways, their classification and survey, functional systems. Prochazkova 2 14  Cranial nerves.  Stefkova 2 15  Vegetative nervous system. Hajek 216  Visual apparatus. Stefkova 117  Auditory and vestibular apparatus. Rejtarova 118  Lecturer notes. Selected chapters in topographic and clinically oriented anatomy. Prochazkova 2  

 Practical courses & seminars


Olga Prochazkova, M.D.

Katerina Stefkova, M.A., Ph.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS

Rene Endlicher, M.A., Ph.D.

 Practical coursesNo.1   Urinary system. Endocrine glands.2   Male and female genital organs. Male and female pelvis. Review examination of urogenital system.3   General organization of the nervous system, main features of structure and function. Spinal cord I. - introduction, lokalization, blood supply, coverings, vertebromedullar topography. White and gray matter, nervous pathways.4   Spinal cord II., organization of spinal nerve, nervous plexuses.5   Brain stem, posterior cranial fossa, cranial nerves nuclei. Cerebellum.6   Diencephalon. Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system.7   Telencephalon. Basal ganglia.8   Bood supply of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid system, meninges. Brain slices.9   Overview of nervous pathways (short, association and long). Motor pathways and somatosensory pathways, neurotransmitters.10   Cranial nerves I (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, XI, XII), their origin, course, spectrum of fibers.11   Cranial nerves II (VII - X). Vegetative nervous system.12   Visual apparatus, optic pathway, reflexes. Auditory and vestibular apparatus, auditory and vestibular pathways.13   CREDIT TEST: CNS, nerve plexuses, cranial nerves, nervous pathways, vegetative nervous system.14   Credit.  


Získání teoretických i praktických znalostí anatomické stavby urogenitálního, periferního a centrálního nervového systému, smyslových orgánů a kůže. Neuroanatomie zahrnuje makroskopickou i mikroskopickou stavbu, spoje jednotlivých struktur CNS a klinický korelát.

Zvláštní pozornost věnována inervaci obličeje a dutiny ústní, hlavovým nervům a anatomickému podkladu lokální anestezie.