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Histology and Embryology I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |



Lecturers   Prof. Jaroslav Mokry, M.D., Ph.D.   Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurova, M.D., Ph.D.   Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.

  Josef Mraz, M.D., Ph.D.

                 Structure of the tooth. (Mazurová,3) 1         Introduction to histology. Cytology. Epithelial tissues - covering epithelia. (Mokry, 3)  2         Glandular epithelium. (Mokry, 1)  3         Connective and supporting tissue - connective tissue proper and cartilages. (Soukup, 2)  4         Supporting tissues - bone. (Soukup, 1)  5         Nervous tissue. (Mokry, 2)  6+7     Muscle tissue. Circulatory system. (Mraz, 2+1)  8         Immune system. (Mokry, 2)    9         E: Basic terms, gametogenesis, fertilization.   (Soukup, 1)  10       E: First and second weekof the development.  (Mazurova, 1)                   11       E: Third week of the development. Derivatives of germ layers. (Mazurova, 2)  12       Respiratory system. (Mraz, 1) 13       E: Folding of the embryo. Foetal membranes; allantois, connecting stalk. E: Development of the umbilical cord. Development of chorionic villi;  The placenta. (Mazurova, 3) 

  Practical courses

Lecturers   Prof. Jaroslav Mokry, M.D., Ph.D.   Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurova, M.D., Ph.D.   Josef Mraz, M.D., Ph.D.   Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.

  Hana Bavorova, MSc., Ph.D.  

Practical courses 1    Introduction - instructions for practical classes. Use of light microscope. Use of QuickPhoto Camera software. Covering epithelia (simple, stratified and pseudostratified epithelia). 2    Glandular epithelium: salivary glands - serous acini, mucous tubules, serous demilunes (of Gianuzzi), ducts. Skin glands - sweat, aromatic and sebaceous glands (secretory and duct parts). 3    Connective tissue proper - fibrous, elastic and reticular connective tissue. Cartilages: hyaline, elastic and fibrous cartilage. 4    Bone - compact and spongy bone. Dental tissues (enamel, dentin, cementum, pulp, periodontium). 5    Ossification - endochondral  (and intramembranous). NS - general description of the neuron, nerve fibres (myelinated and unmyelinated). PNS - vegetative (and cerebrospinal) ganglia, trigeminal ggl.; peripheral nerves (vegetative and cerebrospinal incl. nerve coverings). 6    Muscle tissue - smooth, skeletal and cardiac. Differential diagnostic of vessels (arteries and veins; arterioles and venules). 7    1st revision lesson (slide test): General histology - examination of histol. preparations and cytology. 8    Immune system - thymus (in childhood and involution), lymph node, spleen.                                                                                                          9    Respiratory system - nasal ala, epiglottis, trachea, bronchus, pulmonary tissue (pleura). 10  2nd revision lesson (slide test):  Respiratory and immune systems, and the differential diagnosis of vessels.  11  Digestive system - lip, salivary glands (parotid, sublingual, submandibular), tongue (tip + body, terminal sulcus, root). Embryology - Test I (embryogenesis). 12  3rd revision lesson (slide test): Organs of the oral cavity (incl. tooth). 13  Credit examination.  


First part of the subject Histology and Embryology focuses on a description of general histology (i.e. the architecture of different types of tissues) and cytology (on the level of bright field and electron microscopy). It is followed by the first part of special histology referring to the microscopic architecture of organs of circulatory, respiratory and lymphatic systems, and then of the mouth cavity and teeth with stress on essential microscopic differential diagnosis of human tissues and organs.

Embryology I includes the period of embryogenesis, particularly during the 1st - 5th week of the prenatal development of human embryo.