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Histology and Embryology II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


 Lectures 1.     Development of orofacial and neck regions: I. Development of the stomodeum and pharyngeal apparatus. (Mazurova 2) 2.     Development of orofacial and neck regions: II. Development of the face (incl. the palate and nasal cavities). III. Development of the tongue, thyroid gland and major salivary glands. (Mazurova 3) 3.     Development of orofacial and neck regions: IV. Development of the teeth. (Mazurova 4) 4.     GIT II: Stomach. (Bavorova 2) 5.     GIT III: Large intestine, liver, pancreas (exo- and endocrine part). (Bavorova 2) 6.     Endocrine system: Hypophysis, suprarenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid glands. (Soukup 1) 7.     Principles of the development of skeletal and muscular systems and of the skin in relation to the head region. (Soukup 2) 8.     Male reproductive system: Testis, epididymis. (Soukup 1) 9.     Female reproductive system: Ovary, uterus, hormonal regulation of the cycle. (Bavorová 2) 10.   Urinary system . (Soukup 1) 11.   CNS. (Mokry 1)  

Practical courses & seminars


Prof. Jaroslav Mokry, M.D., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurova, M.D., Ph.D.

Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.

Hana Bavorova, M.Sc., Ph.D.


No. 3 Fourth revision lesson: Dental tissues, periodontium and alveolus. Development of the teeth (incl. periodontium and alveolar bone). Development of the pharyngeal apparatus, face, nasal cavities and palate. Development of the tongue, thyroid gland and salivary glands. TEST.

No. 5 Fifth revision lesson: Examination of histol. preparations of the digestive and endocrine systems.

No. 10 Sixth revision lesson: Examination of histol. preparations of urinary, male and female genital systems (incl. placenta) and nervous system (CNS and PNS).

No. 12 Credit examination  

Practical courses

No. 1 GIT II: Oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

No. 2 GIT III: Appendix, colon, anal canal; liver, gallbladder.

No. 4 Endocrine system: Pancreas (endo- and exocrine part), hypophysis, suprarenal glands, thyroid gland.

No. 6 Male genital system: Testis, epididymis (dd. efferentes, d. epididymis), prostate.

No. 7 Female genital system: Ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina.

No. 8 Placenta (young and mature stage). Urinary system: Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder. ELC

No. 9 CNS: Spinal cord, brain, cerebellum, choroid plexus. PNS: Vegetative ganglion, sympathetic and cerebrospinal nerves (revision from general histology). ELC

No. 11 Integumentary system: Skin of the palm/finger and of the axilla; lactating and non-lactating mammary gland.  


Histology II focuses on the description of special histology (microscopic structure of organs) with stress on microscopic differential diagnosis. Embryology II includes detailed description of the development of head and neck region and organs belonging to the orofacial region (incl. a brief review of developmental anomalies), and the teeth development.