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Prosthetic Technology

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Subject Prosthetic Technology (FD10023) is substituted by subject Prosthetic Technology (FDP023) with the content of these lectures, practical courses and literature:


All-cast, all-ceramic and all-resin crown working procedures. (Vavrickova)

Combined crown working procedure.  (Vavrickova)

Removable partial denture working procedure. (Vavrickova)

Removable complete denture working procedure. (Vavrickova)

Digital workflow in prosthodontics. (Vavrickova)  

Practical courses & seminars

Lenka Vavrickova, M.D., Ph.D.

Bc. Tomas Havrda, DiS.  

Practical courses

Mixing of alginate impression, simple plaster model manufacturing.

Silicone impression materials mixing, taking impression, sectional model for veneer and PFM crown manufacturing.

Sectional model manufacturing - finishing.

Silicone impression materials mixing, taking impression, sectional model for onlay and all-cast crown manufacturing.

Sectional model manufacturing - finishing.

Esthetical veneer manufacturing.

Veneer adaptation on the tooth, cementation on the tooth.

Onlay manufacturing.

Onlay adaptation on the tooth, cementation on the tooth.

All-cast metal crown wax-up.

Metal coping for PFM wax-up.

Casting mould manufacturing, casting procedure.

Deflasking, sand blasting.

Finishing of all-cast metal crown, adaptation on the tooth, polishing.

Finishing of metal coping, adaptation on the tooth, sand blasting, opaker applying.

Applying ceramics, modellation of ceramic layers for PFM.

Applying ceramics, modellation of ceramic layers for PFM.

Applying ceramics, modellation of ceramic layers for PFM.

Corrective firing.

Applying of the glaze for PFM.

Adaptation of PFM on the tooth, cementation on the tooth.

Temporary crown fabrication.

Complete denture - custom shellac tray construction.

Partial removable denture - custom acrylic tray construction.

Complete denture - wax rim construction.

Partial removable denture - wax rim construction.

Wire clasps forming.

Wire clasps forming.

Practical exam.



Basic procedures in fabrication of all types of dental prostheses.