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Clinical Dentistry I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Subject Clinical Dentistry I (FD10038) is substituted by subject Clinical Dentistry I (FDP035) with the content of these lectures, practical courses and literature: 

Practical courses & seminars


Abou Assaf Wail, MDDr.

Jan Duska, M.D. et M.D.

Ondrej Heneberk, MDDr.

Martin Kapitan, M.D., Ph.D.

Flora Kovacsova, MDDr.

Pavel Krupka, MDDr.

Martina Kunderova, MDDr.

Miroslava Novakova, MDDr., Bc.

Nela Pilbauerova, MDDr., Ph.D.

Jan Schmidt, MDDr.

Assoc. Prof. Jakub Suchanek, M.D., Ph.D.

Martin Sembera, MDDr.

Lubos Tucek, M.D., Ph.D.

Eliska Wurfelova, MDDr.  

Practical courses

PC Dent - basic operations and work with PC. Dentist and assistance tasks in fourhand work.

Infection control. Control over dental chair and positioning of the patient. Handpieces demonstration.

Anesthesia application (infiltration and mandibular block).

Kofferdam, advantages and disadvantages, training.

Communication with the patient. Basic instruments and work with them. Intraoral radiograph (bite-wing).

Basics of oral hygiene instructions. Preventive check (indices).

Work on different clinical departments.


XXV. Sazama´s day, 22. 10. 2021 (the lecture lasts from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)


Practical education of basic diagnostic, therapeutic, and prophylactic procedures in all fields of dentistry in a dental office.