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Endodontics I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Subject Endodontics I (FD10041) is substituted by subject Endodontics I (FDP037) with the content of these lectures, practical courses and literature.


Extraoral and intraoral examination. (Pilbauerová 3)

Therapeutic plan. (Pilbauerová 1)

Local anesthesia. (Pilbauerová 2)

Morphologic background of endodontic therapy. (Pilbauerová 3)

Dental pulp and periodontal ligament diseases. (Suchanek 3)

Instruments, procedure of root canal treatment. (Suchanek 2)

Antiseptics in endodontics, irrigation protocol. (Suchanek 2)

Materials used for root canal fillings, methods of filling. (Suchanek 2)

Complications of the endodontic treatment. (Suchanek 3)

Post-endodontic treatment. Credit test. (Kapitan 3)  

Practical courses & seminars


Martin Kapitan, M.D., Ph.D.

Nela Pilbauerova, MDDr.

Jan Schmidt, M.D.

Assoc. Prof. Jakub Suchanek, M.D., Ph.D.

 Practical courses

Access cavity + shaping of root canal system on extracted teeth.

Filling of canal of extracted tooth by lateral condensation, intraoral X-ray after filling.


Basics of endodontics. Postendodontic treatment.