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Preventive Medicine

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |




Prof. Zdenek Fiala, M.Sc., Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Jindra Smejkalova, M.D., Ph.D.Lenka Kotingova, M.D., Ph.D.

Introduction to Preventive Medicine (Health protection and Health promotion). Harmful effects of dental materials. (Fiala 3)

The most frequent occupational physical hazards. Dust, noise, vibrations, ionizing radiation. (Kotingova 3) 

Occupational stress. Sources of occupational stress in hospitals. Burnout syndrome. Ways of prevention. (Smejkalova 3)

Nutrition. Health aspects of nutrition. (Kotingova 3)

Hospital hazards. Specific health risks in dental practice (musculo-skeletal disorders, infections, chemical agents).  Professional illnesses of health-care workers. Ways of prevention. Absolute and relative contraindication for work in risk. (Smejkalova 3)  

 Practical courses and seminars


Prof. Zdenek Fiala, M.Sc., Ph.D.Assoc. Prof. Jindra Smejkalova, M.D., Ph.D.Lenka Kotingova, M.D., Ph.D.

Categorization of work.  Ways of prevention – collective and individual. Medical prevention – periodical preventive check-ups.

Hygiene of living spaces. Biological, chemical and physical factors in interiors that affect health. Prevention options. Drinking water. Sources and contamination of drinking water.

Primary and early secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Analysis of nutritional state and life style of medical students. Example of simple preventive screening of cardiovascular disease risk factors. SKIPPING BREAKFAST!!!

Nosocomial infections.  The most common infection. The most risky workplace. Ways of prevention.

Prevention of selected cancers. Primary and early secondary prevention of colorectal carcinoma, breast carcinoma, cervix uteri carcinoma, lung carcinoma, prostate carcinoma and skin carcinoma.                


Preventive medicine is a medical field that deals with the protection and promotion of health. Health protection includes the study of factors of the living and working environment (biological, chemical, and physical) that can induce the emergence and development of diseases (especially cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer).

The study is focused on the identification and characterization of the dangerousness of the factors, on the evaluation of the degree of their presence in the population (width of exposure of the population) and on the final evaluation of the degree of health risk (combination of danger and width of exposure).Based on the conclusions of the evaluation, the possibilities of intervention in the form of primary and secondary prevention are characterized. Interventions include the creation and control of compliance with regulatory limits for chemical and biological contamination of air, water, soil and food, and the creation and control of compliance with regulatory limits for physical factors.

Health promotion includes the study of lifestyle factors (nutrition, physical activity, harmful habits, and excessive levels of psychological stress) that can induce the emergence and development of diseases (especially cardiovascular, metabolic and cancer). The study is focused on the identification and characterization of the dangerousness of the factors, on the evaluation of the degree of their presence in the population and on the final evaluation of the degree of health risk (combination of danger and degree of presence).

Based on the conclusions of the evaluation, the possibilities of intervention in the form of primary and secondary prevention are characterized. Interventions include media and institutional (hygiene service) forms of recommending healthy lifestyle principles (structure and volume of food; type, volume, intensity, and frequency of appropriate and regular physical activity; risks and possibilities of reducing alcohol, tobacco and drug addictions and risks and possibilities of influencing excessive psychological stress).