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Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Subject Orthodontics (FD10080) is substituted by subject Orthodontics (FDP074).


Therminology of malocclusion, orthodontic anomalies, normal occlusion, dentoalveolar mechanism of compensation, functional channel, ethiology and prophylaxis of orthodontic anomalies. Dental arch relationships in saggital and vertival planes,.

Dental age, sequence of eruption of deciduous and permanent teeeth. Ist and Iind phase of eruption, deviations from normal status.

Hypodontia, agenesis of teeth, anodontia, hyperodontia, supernumeraries, mesiodentes. Extraction of teeth in orthodontics, biomechanics of orthodontic movements, pressure side, tension side in the PDL, growth of jaws and the alveolar bone.

Conventional orthodontic treatment, early treatment, adult treatment. Proper timing of treatment.

Orthodontic treatment result maintenance, relaps tendencies, retention. Late changes in dentition, adult treatment.

Preimplantology, orthognathic surgery. Orthodontic treatment of a patients with periodontal issues.

Sleep apnea syndrom in orthodontics. Development of clefts, orthodontic treatment of patients with clefts.