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Fyziologie I

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Prof. Michaela Adamcová, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Milan Holeček, M.D., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Otto Kučera, M.D., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Halka Lotková, M.D., Ph.D.

 Introduction to physiology (homeostasis and its regulation).

 Body fluid compartments. Composition of body fluids. 

 Function of blood. Physical constants of blood. Plasma. 

 Red blood cells. Hemolysis. Sedimentation of red cells.

 Haemoglobin. Regulation of red blood cell production - the role of erytropoietin. Essential substances required for erythropoiesis.  

 Blood groups, blood transfusion.

 Hemostasis (vessel reaction, importance of platelets, blood clotting, anticlotting mechanisms, anticoagulant drugs).

 White blood cells. Regulation of white cell production.  

 Immunology. Clasification of immune mechanisms (non-specific defence mechanisms, specific immune mechanisms, humoral and cell-mediated). Interactions between non-specific and specific immune mechanisms. Ontogenesis of immunity.   Vaccination and passive immunity. Inflammation, allergy, auto-immunity.                   

 Resting membrane potential. Action potential. All-or-nothing principle. Chronaxy.

 Excitation, propagation of action potential. Degeneration and regeneration of nerves, elektroneurogram.

 Synaptic transmission. Excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Pre-synaptic inhibition and facilitation.  Classification of neurotransmitters.

 Contraction of skeletal muscle. Neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle. Excitation - contractin coupling. Muscle fatigue.

 Contraction and excitation of smooth muscle. Neural and hormonal control of smooth muscle contraction.

 Spinal cord reflexes - proprioceptive stretch and tendon reflexes, exteroceptive reflexes, the role of muscle spindle and of gamma system, reciprocal innervation.

 Control of posture and movement - motor functions of spinal cord, cerebellum, basal ganglia, descendent part of reticular formation and brain. 

 Autoconomic nervous system.

 Regulation of visceral function - the role of spinal cord, medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and limbic system in control of vegetative functions.  

 The reticular activating system, spontaneous and evoked electric brain activity (EEG and evoked potentials). 

 Blood - brain barrier cerebrospinal fluid. Metabolism of the brain.    

 CNS, inborn and acquired forms of behaviour, learning and memory. Emotion.

 Specific characteristics of CNS in human (speech, hemispheric dominance, prefrontal lobes), types of personality.

 Action potential in cardiac muscle. Electrical and mechanical properties of cardiac muscle, conductive system.

 Contraction of cardiac muscle. Excitation-contraction coupling. Homeostasis of calcium. Mechanical properties of heart, metabolism of cardiac muscle.

 The heart as a pump. The cardiac cycle. The main hemodynamic events associated with the cardiac cycle. Heart sounds.


 Cardiac output - method of measurement, regulation of output.

 Dynamics of blood flow. Flow, pressure, and resistance. Laminar and turbulent flow. Poiseuille-Hagen formula. Critical closing pressure. Law of Laplace.

 Functional parts of circulation of vessel, function of endothelium. Production of interstitital fluid, lymph.

 Local and systemic cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms. Cardiac innervation. The reflex mechanisms for maintaining normal arterial pressure.

 Circualtion through special regions (tooth pulp cerebral circulation, splanchnic, lung circulation, circulation of the skin, and of muscles).

 Stimulus, receptor potential, adaptation of receptors.


 Tactile sensation, perception of temperature and pain in orofacial area.

 Hearing and vestibular apparatus.

 Smell and taste.  

Practical courses & seminars


Prof. Michaela Adamcová, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Zuzana Červinková, M.D., Ph.D.

Prof. Milan Holeček, M.D., D.Sc.

Assoc. Prof. Otto Kučera, M.D., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Halka Lotková, M.D., Ph.D.

Pavla Staňková, Mgr., Ph.D.

Václav Šafka, M.D., Ph.D.

Tumisang Edward Maseko, M.D.

Moustafa Elkalaf, MBBCh, Ph.D.

Kristýna Vašatová, M.D.  


Test (MCQ) and seminar - hematology and immunology.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - neurophysiology and myology.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - central nervous system.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - cardiovascular system.

Practical courses

Introduction to practical laboratories. Rules of safety work in laboratories. Rules of blood handling and blood sampling.

Packed cell volume (PCV - Hematocrit). Hemolysis. Testing of fragility of red blood cells.

Investigation of capillary resistance. Investigation of bleeding time. 

Determination of clotting time (Lee-White), APTT, prothrombin time.

Leukocytes - classification of white blood cells (differential count). Red blood cells sedimentation.

Testing for blood group and Rh factor.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - hematology and immunology.

Action potential (computer simulation of action potential, case).

Neuromuscular transmission (computer modelling, case).

Test (MCQ) and seminar - neurophysiology and myology.

Basic neurological examination - proprioceptive and exteroceptive reflexes.

Autonomic nerve system - the role in the regulation of cardiovascular system.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - central nervous system.



Determination of arterial blood pressure. Blood pressure and physical exercise.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - cardiovascular system.

Principles of the examination of vision.

Principles of the examination of hearing. Investigation of vestibular function. Credit.  

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The aim of Physiology I is to gain good knowledge about the functions of the human body in health. In the winter semester, the study is focused on the following areas: basic principles of organism reactivity, hematology, basics of immunology, general neurophysiology (transport of ions through the membrane, resting and action membrane potential), myology, central nervous system (spinal reflexes, movement regulation, autonomic nervous system, meaning of individual parts of the CNS, wakefulness, sleep, higher nervous activity), cardiovascular system and sensory physiology. As part of practical exercises, students perform selected methods and examinations used in clinical practice (e.g. basic hematological examinations, test of hemostasis, ECG recording and evaluation, blood pressure measurement). Entry requirements: prerequisites: Anatomy II Final requirements:

1. the student acquires basic theoretical knowledge about the function of all systems in the human body to maintain the homeostasis of the organism

2. the student acquires knowledge of the physiology of the orofacial region

3. student acquires practical skills related to essential clinical examinations and learn to interpret the obtained results

4. the student gets to know the basic methods of obtaining scientific information

5. the student will be capable of basic medical thinking based on model case studies