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Physiology II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |



Prof. MUDr. Michaela Adamcová, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Milan Holeček, DrSc.

Doc. MUDr. Halka Lotková, Ph.D.  

 Pulmonary ventilation (inspiration and expiration, intrapleural pressure, intra-alveolar pressure, dead space, surface tension in alveoli, resistance to airflow, effects of gravity, work of breathing)  

 Diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the respiratory membrane. Pulmonary circulation.  

 Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. 

 Control of pulmonary ventilation. Hypoxia.  

 Mechanisms of hormonal action. 

 Pituitary gland and its relation to the hyptohalamus. 

 Thyroid gland.

 Parathyroid glands, hormonal control of calcium metabolism. 

 Physiology of the mineralised tissues. 

  Endocrine pancreas (insulin, glucagon). 

  Adrenal cortex (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids). Adrenal medulla (epinephrine, norepinephrine). 


  Sex hormones (testosterone, estrogens, progesterone). Sex differenciation and development. 

  Other endocrine organs. 

  Mouth, mastication, saliva, deglutition, oesophagus. 

  Stomach - gastric filing, motility and emptying. 

  Stomach - composition of gastric secretion, regulation of secretion. Emesis. 

  Exocrine portion of pancreas, composition of pancreatic juice, regulation of secretion. 

  Liver and biliary system, composition of bile, regulation of biliary secretion. Function of gallbladder. 

  Small intestine - intestinal secretion and motility. 

  Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. 

  Colon - motility and secretion. Absorption in the colon. Intestinal bacteria. Dietary fiber. Defecation. 

  Energy metabolisms (free energy of the food, respiratory quotient, basal metabolic rate, measurement of the metabolic rate). 

  Intermediary metabolism (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins). 

  Nutrition. Problems in human nutrition (obesity, malnutrition, starvation). 

  Kidney - renal circulation, glomerular filtration. 

  Tubular function. 

  Mechanisms for excreting diluted or concentrated urine. 

  The regulation of renal activity. Micturition. The role of the kidney in acid-base balance. 

  Tests of renal function, cleareance.  

  Body temperature regulation. 



Practical courses & seminars


 Prof. MUDr. Michaela Adamcová, Ph.D.

 Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, Ph.D.

 Moustafa Elkalaf, MBBch, Ph.D.

 Prof. MUDr. Milan Holeček, DrSc.

 Doc. MUDr. Otto Kučera, Ph.D.

 Doc. MUDr. Halka Lotková, Ph.D.

 MUDr. Tumisang Maseko

 Mgr. Pavla Staňková, Ph.D.

 MDDr. Kristýna Vašatová  

Practical courses

Physical examination of the lungs.


Control of pulmonary ventilation.

Hormones - their effect and reagulation - cases.

Oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT).

The measurement of the basal metabolic rate.

Evaluation of the nutritional status.

Kidney functions - practice.

Formation of concentrated and dilute urine.




Test (MCQ) and seminar - respiratory system.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - endocrinology.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - gastroenterology and metabolism.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - kidney.  


The main topics of lectures in the summer term are respiratory physiology, physiology of endocrine glands with an emphasis on the principles of endocrine regulation, physiology of the gastrointestinal system, energy and intermediary metabolism, physiology of excretion, thermoregulation. The issue of biorhythms and aging of the organism is also mentioned.

As part of practical exercises, students perform selected methods and examinations used in clinical practice (e.g. spirometry, measurement of energy expenditure, oral glucose tolerance test, assessment of nutritional status, functional examination of the kidneys). During the seminars, students are actively involved in the discussion of the discussed topics, emphasis is also placed on problem-based learning and the ability to work in a team.

The knowledges acquired during tuition of Physiology I and Physiology II are necessary for understanding of further subjects such as biochemistry, pharmacology, pathological physiology or internal medicine.