The lectures: 10 hours in face-to-face form will take place in the planned teaching times and in the lecture halls according to the current schedule. Lecturers: Prof. Viktor Chrobok, M.D., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Lukáš Školoudík, M.D., Ph.D. Jan Mejzlík, M.D., Ph.D. Jakub Dršata, M.D., Ph.D.
Theme: Otology (3 hours) Pharyngology / Onclology (3 hours) Laryngology / Phoniatry (2 hours) Rhinology (2 hours)
The lectures on-line form in Moodle. Theme:
Anatomical Models
Tracheostomy tubes
E-learning courses
Hearing examination, Hearing loss
Diseases of the external ear
Voice disorders
Swallowing disorders
Case reports
Practical courses & seminars (30 hours):
Assoc. Prof. Petr Čelakovský, M.D., Ph.D.
Jan Mejzlík, M.D., Ph.D.
Michal Černý, M.D., Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Lukáš Školoudík, M.D., Ph.D.
Jana Krtičková, M.D.
Jana Šatanková, M.D., Ph.D.
Michal Homoláč, M.D.
Anna Švejdová, M.D.
Tomáš Valenta, M.D.
Peter Sila, M.D.
Maja Stříteská, M.D.
Practical courses: 1. Visit of the department, diagnostic methods in E.N.T. 2. Anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and symptomatology. 3. Methods of investigation in E.N.T.- demonstration and praxis. Investigation of hearing. Audiometry, tympanometry, OAE, ABR etc. 4. – 7. Investigation of patients, demonstration of the typical E.N.T. diseases. Videodemonstration. Main topics: tonsillitis and inflammatory complications, adenoids, adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, acute and chronic sinusitis, principle of FESS, epistaxis, thyroid surgery, ENT oncology (pharyngeal and laryngeal cancer), acute and chronic otitis media, hearing loss, middle ear surgery and cochlear implants, ENT traumatology. 8. Dyspnoea, orotracheal intubation, coniotomy, tracheostomy, training on simulators. 9. Urgent treatment in ENT, discussion of unclear questions at ENT. 10. Credit, practical examinations.
Audiology: Michal Homoláč, M.D.
Radiology: Tomáš Valenta, M.D.
Endoscopy, NBI, FEES: Michal Černý, M.D., Ph.D.
Vestibulology: Maja Stříteská, M.D./Jakub Dršata, M.D., Ph.D.
Deep neck infections: Assoc. Prof. Petr Čelakovský, M.D., Ph.D.
Smell, taste: Jana Krtičková, M.D.
OSAS: Peter Sila, M.D.
Dyspnoe: Jan Mejzlík, M.D., Ph.D.
Ear surgery: Assoc. Prof. Lukáš Školoudík,M.D., Ph.D.
Swallowing disorders: Jana Šatanková, M.D., Ph.D.
PRACTICAL CLASSES AND SEMINARS The aim of practical classes is demonstrate basic investigation methods, typical diseases and patients and the essentials of E.N.T. Seminars inform about current problems in speciality or some it's fundamentals with video demonstrations and other documentation. Practical classes are obligatory.
History and development and integration of the speciality (Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (ORL/HNS)). Rhinology-new aspects and knowledge of pathophysiology of respiratory mucosa, Functional endonasal surgery-from radical surgery to rehabilitation of the mucosa, Oncology-laryngeal and oropharyngeal cancer.
Phonosurgery and phoniatry. Traumatology, plastic and reconstructive surgery of head and neck area.
Thyroid and parathyroid surgery. Otology-audiometry, otitis media acuta, secretory otitis media (OME=SOM), cholesteatoma, otosclerosis, acoustic neuroma.
Skull base surgery. Immunological aspects of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.