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Periodontology III

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |



The lectures complement the required literature. They capture current recommendations in diagnosis and therapy. The lectures highlight the minimum knowledge in the field that is a prerequisite for passing the examination.

Principles of surgical therapy of the periodontitis. Regenerative therapy in periodontology. Maintenance phase. (Radochova 3)

Therapy of advanced periodontitis – interradicular defects, mobility of teeth, pulpoperiodontal lesions. (Radochova 1)

Evidence-based guideline for periodontal therapy stage 4. periodontitis.  (Radochova 1)

Gingival overgrowth. (Radochova 1)

Gingival recession. (Slezak 1)

Desquamative and traumatic gingivitis. (Slezak 1)

Periodontitis and systemic diseases. (Slezak 1)

Periodontal diseases in childhood and adolescence. (Slezak 2)

Less common periodontal diseases - overview. (Slezak 1)  

Practical courses & seminars

Practical classes take place at the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Králové. Students participate in patient examination, diagnosis and treatment under the guidance of a dentist.


Miroslava Novakova, Bc. MDDr.

Assoc. Prof. Vladimira Radochova, M.D., Ph.D.

Jan Schmidt, MDDr., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Radovan Slezak, M.D., Ph.D.

Ngoc My Tranova, M.D.

Practical courses

Examination of patients with periodontal diseases

X-ray examination of the periodontal tissues, evaluation of the findings.

Diagnosis, treatment planning and staging and grading of periodontitis

Instructing and motivation of oral hygiene

Removing of calculus with ultrasound machine, polishing of the root surface.

Scaling and root planning

Reevaluation of the patient (following initial therapy), treatment planning.

Removal of the subgingival calculus with special devices, local treatment of periodontal pockets. Treatment of the furcation.

Strategy of the periodontal treatment, articulation and splinting of the teeth in periodontology.

Assistance in periodontal surgery.

Note: In order to participate in the practical training at the Department of Dentistry of the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Hradec Králové, you need to change into white clothes and you also need slippers for the hospital and a student ID card.


In the winter semester, lectures are focused on advanced forms of periodontal disease - diagnosis, clinical picture and therapy of periodontitis, differences in the treatment of teeth with weakened periodontium.