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Anatomy II

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


General medicine, 1st year, summer term. 


Assoc. Prof. Dasa Slizova, M.D., Ph.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Otakar Krs, M.D., Ph.D.

Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

Martin Kracik, M.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS   

No. Theme Lecturers Duration1    Urinary system. Kuchar 2 2    Male genital system. Hajek 2 3    Female genital system. Krs 2 4    Endocrine glands. Krs 1 5    Skin. Mammary glands. Krs 16    Topographic dissection. Nervous system: introduction, organization and general principles of CNS and PNS. Hajek 2 7    Spinal cord - macroscopic structure, fine structure. Spinal cord - coverings blood supply. Motor and sensory spinal pathways. Spinal nerves. Nerves plexuses. Cervical plexus. Hajek 4 8    Brain stem, nuclei of the cranial nerves, reticular formation, IV.ventricle. Slizova 4 9    Midbrain. Slizova 2 10   Cerebellum . Slizova 2 11    Diencephalon. Slizova 1 12    Thalamus, hypothalamus. Slizova 2 13    Hypothalamo-hypophyseal system. Slizova 1 14    Telencephalon - basal ganglia. Slizova 2 15    Telencephalon - cortical areas. Slizova 2 16    Limbic system, olfactory brain. Slizova 2 17    Blood supply of the brain. Slizova 2 18    Cerebrospinal fluid system, ventricles, meninges. Slizova 2 19    Nervous pathways, their classification and survey. Slizova 1 20    Functional systems - sensory pathways. Slizova 2 21    Functional systems - motor pathways. Slizova 2 22    Cranial nerves. Hajek 4 23    Vegetative nervous system. Hajek 2 24    Visual apparatus. Hajek 225    Auditory apparatus. Rejtarova 1 26    Vestibular system. Rejtarova 1 27    Clinical lecture: "Applied anatomy of the auditory apparatus". Kracik 128    Lecture on demanded topic. Preparation before the credit test. 2

Practical courses & seminarsLecturers

Assoc. Prof. Dasa Slizova, M.D., Ph.D.

Otakar Krs, M.D., Ph.D.

Rene Endlicher, M.A., Ph.D.

Olga Rejtarova, M.D., Ph.D.

Michal Kuchar, MS

Pavel Poczos, M.D., Ph.D.

Martin Kracik, M.D.

Hana Vodova, M.D.

Petr Hajek, M.D., Ph.D.

Milada Hylmarova, MS

Alexander Moravek, MS

Tomas Janousek, MS

Katerina Stefkova, M.A., Ph.D.

Practical coursesNo.  1 Anatomical dissection 1.  2 Urinary system. Perineal muscles and spaces. 3 Anatomical dissection 2. 4 Female and male genital organs.  5 Anatomical dissection 3. 6 General organization of the nervous system, main features of structure and function. Spinal cord - structure, tracts. 7 Anatomical dissection 4. 8 Spinal cord - coverings, supply. Spinal nerves and plexuses. 9 Anatomical dissection 5.10 Brain stem - medulla oblongata, pons of Varol, mesencephalon.11 Anatomical dissection 6.12 Cerebellum. Diencephalon and hypothalamo- hypophyseal system.13 Anatomical dissection 7.14 Telencephalon. Basal ganglia.15 Anatomical dissection 8.16 Blood supply of the brain, brain ventricles, meninges. Nerve tracts. Somatosensory pathways. 17 Anatomical dissection 9.18 Somatomotor pathways. Limbic system.19 Anatomical dissection 10.20 Cranial nerves.21 Anatomical dissection 11.22 Vegetative nervous system.23 Anatomical dissection 12. 24 Visual apparatus, optic pathway, reflexes, auditory and vestibular apparatus and tracts.25 Anatomical dissection 13. Evaluation of completed dissection.26 CREDIT TEST.


To gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the anatomic structure of the urogenital organs, the peripheral and central nervous systems, the special senses, and the skin. Lectures in neuroanatomy involve the macroscopic and also microscopic structure of the nervous tissues, the connections among various individual areas in the CNS and their clinical correlation.

The teaching of topographic anatomy during dissection classes emphasizes the three-dimensional understanding of the human body, and it is supplemented by a course in manual dissection skills. Lectures of visiting clinicians are interjected to enhance the understanding of various subjects and also to motivate the students.