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Histologie a embryologie II

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Lectures   Lecturers:   ·         Prof. Jaroslav Mokry, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurova, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Assoc. Prof. Dana Cizkova, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D.

1.    GIT II: Stomach, small and large intestine, anal canal.

2.    GIT III: Liver, gall bladder, pancreas (exocrine part).

3.    Endocrine system.

4.    Urinary system.

5.    Male reproductive system.

6.    Female reproductive system.

7.    Embryology: Fourth week of embryonic development - folding of the embryo, development of umbilical cord. Derivatives of germ layers.

8.    Embryology: Foetal membranes, placenta. Multiple pregnancy.

9.    Embryology: Development of head and neck region: pharyngeal (branchial) apparatus. Development of the face, oral and nasal cavities. Development of the tongue, thyroid gl. and salivary glands.  Teeth development.

10.  CNS.

11.  Embryology: Development of the digestive system. Development of the respiratory system.

12.  Embryology: Development of the urinary system.

13.  Embryology: Development of the genital system.

14.  Integumentary system - the histology and embryology.

15.  Embryology: Development of the cardiovascular system.

16.  Sense organs - the histology and embryology.

17.  Embryology: Development of the nervous system.   Practical courses & seminars   Teachers:   ·         Prof. Jaroslav Mokry, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Assoc. Prof. Yvona Mazurova, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Assoc. Prof. Dana Cizkova, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Josef Mraz, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Tomas Soukup, M.D., Ph.D. ·         Hana Bavorová, M.Sc., Ph.D.

1. GIT I: Organs of oral cavity. Tooth.

2.    GIT II: Oesophagus, stomach; small intestine - duodenum, jejunum, ileum.

3.    GIT II, III: Large intestine - appendix, colon (rectum), anal canal. Liver, gallbladder.

4.    Endocrine glands: Pancreas (exocrine and endocrine), hypophysis, adrenal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, (pineal gland).

5.    Urinary system: Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, male urethra, (female urethra).

6.    3rd revision lesson (slide test): Digestive and endocrine systems (oral examination of preparations + theory).

7.    Male reproductive system: Testis, epididymis, spermatic cord, seminal vesicles, prostate, corpus penis (glans penis). Test: Embryology (Part I.)

8.    Female reproductive system: Ovary, oviduct, uterus, vagina.

9.    Placenta (young and full-term). PNS: Dorsal root (spinal) and autonomic ganglia. Peripheral nerves (cerebrospinal, vegetative).

10.  4th revision lesson (slide test): Urinary and reproductive systems (incl. placenta), PNS, (oral examination of preparations + theory).

11.  CNS: Spinal cord, brain cortex, cerebellum, choroid plexus. (Neuroglia.) Test: Embryology (Part II.)

12.  Skin: Palm/ fingertip; axilla, scalp (incl. the structure of hair). Mammary gland - lactating and non-lactating, (nipple and areola mammae).

13. Sense organs: Eyeball (anterior and posterior segment), optic nerve, eyelid. Pinna, external auditory meatus.

14.  Course credit examination: final slide test.


Výuka předmětu Histologie II zahrnuje speciální histologii a je zaměřena na normální stavbu orgánů lidského těla, na úrovni světelné a elektronové mikroskopie, ve vztahu k jejich základní funkci. V rámci výuky Embryologie II jsou posluchači obeznámeni s vývojem jednotlivých orgánů, resp. orgánových systémů, u lidského zárodku a plodu.