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Fyziologie II

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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  Prof. MUDr. Michaela Adamcová, Ph.D.  Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, CSc.  Prof. MUDr. Milan Holeček, DrSc.  Doc. MUDr. Otto Kučera, Ph.D.  Doc. MUDr. Halka Lotková, Ph.D.   19.2. Mechanisms of hormonal action.19.2. Pituitary gland and its relation to the hypothalamus. 21.2. Thyroid gland.21.2. Parathyroid glands, hormonal control of calcium metabolism.21.2. Adrenal medulla (epinephrine, norepinephrine).22.2. Reproductive and hormonal functions of gonads (testosterone, estrogens, progesterone). Sex differentiation and development, pregnancy, lactation.22.2. Adrenal cortex I (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and adrenal androgens). 26.2. Adrenal cortex II (glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and adrenal androgens). Stress.26.2. Insulin, glucagon, and diabetes mellitus.4.3. Mouth, mastication, saliva, deglutition, esophagus.4.3. Stomach, gastric secretion. 11.3. Exocrine portion of pancreas, composition of pancreatic juice, regulation of secretion. 11.3. Liver and biliary system, composition of bile, regulation of biliary secretion. Function of gallbladder. 18.3. Gastric motility, gastric emptying. Vomiting.18.3. Small intestine, intestinal motility. Digestion and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.25.3. Colon - motility and secretion. Absorption in the colon. Intestinal bacteria. Dietary fiber. Defecation. 25.3. Energy metabolism I (free energy of the food, respiratory quotient, basal metabolic rate, measurement of the metabolic rate). 26.3. Energy metabolism II (free energy of the food, respiratory quotient, basal metabolic rate, measurement of the metabolic rate).26.3. Metabolism of carbohydrates.8.4 Metabolism of lipids.15.4. Protein metabolism and nitrogen balance15.4. Nutrition. Problems in human nutrition (obesity, malnutrition, starvation). 22.4. Vitamins and minerals in the food.22.4 Body temperature regulation. 22.4. Renal functional anatomy, renal circulation, kidney functions. 23.4. Glomerular filtration. Tubular functions.29.4. Mechanisms for excreting diluted or concentrated urine. The role of the kidney in acid-base balance. Micturition. Tests of renal functions. 30.4. Stimulus, receptor and generator potential, adaptation of receptors. 30.4. Vision I. 6.5. Vision II.6.5. Hearing and vestibular apparatus.13.5. Smell and taste.13.5. Tactile sensation, perception of temperature, and pain.13.3. Aging.  

Practical clasees and seminars

Prof. MUDr. Michaela Adamcová, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Zuzana Červinková, CSc.  

Mgr. Jan Dušek, Ph.D.

Moustafa Elkalaf, MBBch, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Milan Holeček, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Otto Kučera, Ph.D.

Doc. MUDr. Halka Lotková, Ph.D.  

MUDr. Tumisang Maseko

Ph.D.  Mgr. Pavla Staňková, Ph.D. 

MUDr. Václav Šafka, Ph.D. 

  Practical classes

Blood pressure – analysis and case study.

Heart as a pump – analysis and case study.

Physical examination of the lungs.

Control of pulmonary ventilation.


Essential respiratory values – analysis and case study 

Oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT).

Hormones and their regulation – analysis and case study.

The measurement of the basal metabolic rate.

Evaluation of the nutritional status.

Function of the gastrointestinal system – analysis and case study


Formation of concentrated and dilute urine.

Renal functions - case study.

Simulation center.

Visual acuity, astigmatism, testing of colour vision.

Ophthalmoscopy, Purkynje pictures. Investigation of visual field - perimetry, Marriott experiment (demonstration of blind spot), stereoscopy and depth vision.

The sense of hearing - subjective and objective examination of hearing (whispering, tuning fork test, audiometry).

Investigation of vestibular functions, observing of ear drum.


Test (MCQ) and seminar - cardiovascular system.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - respiratory system.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - endocrinology.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - gastroenterology and metabolism.

Test (MCQ) and seminar - kidney.

Test (MCQ) and seminar – senses.

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The aim of Physiology II is to gain good knowledge about the functions of the human body in health. The subject Physiology II is taught in the form of lectures, practical classes and seminars.

Emphasis is mainly focesed on functional organization, on the mechanisms controlling the internal environment of the organism, interrelationships among the control of individual functions and on the coordination and integration of functions. During the seminars, students are actively involved in the discussion of the discussed topics, emphasis is also placed on problem-based learning and the ability to work in a team.

The knowledges acquired during tuition of Physiology I and Physiology II are necessary for understanding of further subjects such as biochemistry, pharmacology, pathological physiology or internal medicine. Lectures: endocrine and reproductive physiology, physiology of gastrointestinal system (digestion and absorption of basic nutrients, regulation of secretion and motility), metabolism (energetic metabolism, intermediary metabolism), thermoregulation, biorhythms, physiology of the kidneys (glomerular and tubular processes, acid-base balance) and physiology of senses.

Practical classes: physiology of cardiovascular system, respiratory system (spirometry, regulation of pulmonary ventilation), endocrine system (oral glucose tolerance test), metabolism (basal metabolic rate, nutritional status), kidneys (formation of concentrated and dilute urine, clearance) and sensory physiology (visual acuity, colour vision, perimetry, examination of hearing, audiometry, investigation of vestibular function).