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Medical Immunology I

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |




Prof. Dr. Jan Krejsek, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ctirad Andrys, Ph.D. 


Cells and organs of immune system, basic principals of immune regulations. (Krejsek)

Innate immunity as a fundament of protection, danger (damage) signals, PRR receptors. Complement system and phagocytosis, regulation and effector mechanisms of innate immunity. (Andrýs)

HLA system, antigen processing, T cells and their regulatory subsets. B cells, regulation of antibodies synthesis. (Andrýs)

Skin and mucosal protection mechanisms, role of physiological gut microflora. (Krejsek)

Inflammation, protective and immunopathological mechanisms. (Andrýs)

Practical courses & seminars


Prof. Dr. Jan Krejsek, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ctirad Andrys, Ph.D.

Practical courses

Indication and interpretation of laboratory tests in clinical immunology.

Autoantibodies in the diagnosis of immunopathological diseases.

Allergic inflammation, pathogenesis, principles of laboratory and clinical detection.


Homeostasis, danger signals, safe signals, pattern recognition, inflammation, alarmins, inflammasome, signalisome, innate immunity, antigen processing and presentation, specific immunity, humoral specific immunity, regulatory subsets of T cells, skin immunity, mucosal immunity, probiotics, prebiotics, immunopathology, immunodeficiencies, primary, acquired, HIV infection and AIDS, immunomodulation, biological therapy, active immunisation.