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Practice before state examination in Pediatrics

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Students will spend 3 weeks in our Department. The students should examine patients and make clinical notices including recommendations for further tests and treatment under supervision and with the help of members of medical staff. They should take part in ward rounds, daily meetings and clinical seminars.

In case of an unfavorable epidemiological situation, the teaching will take place in a distance form. Students will be informed of this fact via the SIS.


Basic orientation in the 6th year is focused on getting experience in clinical hospital,and outpatient practice, finished by the State exam.

Students will be divided in 2 groups, which are changed for each other during the academic year. 2 weeks of practice 1st subgroup and 2 weeks of practice 2nd subgroup. 1 week of practice together for both groups.

Students will receive the exact distribution before the start of the internship.

At the beginning of the semester, the student will confirm with the study department that the internship will take place at the Dept. of Pediatrics in Hradec Králové.