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Public Health

Class at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |



Lenka Hodačová, Assoc. Prof., M.D., Ph.D.

Roman Prymula, Prof., M.D., Ph.D.

David Skorunka, M.D., Ph.D.

Lenka Kotingová, M.D., Ph.D.

Public Health, definiton, history, core concepts and functions. Health Literacy. Health Care. Types of Health Care. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Screening. (Hodacova 2)

Systemic Perspective in Medicine: The Family as a Partner for Collaboration During the Medical Treatment. (Skorunka 2)

Epidemiology. Epidemiological Studies. Evidence Based Medicine. Comparing Disease Occurence. Quality of Life. (Hodačová 2)

World Health Organization and its role in public health. European Health Policy. WHO programmes. Health 2030. (Kotingová 2)

Health Care Systems - Typology. Basic Characteristics of the Health Care System in the Czech Republic. (Prymula 3, online)  

Practical courses & seminars


Lenka Hodačová, Assoc. Prof., M.D., Ph.D.

David Skorunka, M.D., Ph.D.

Jan Hodač, Ing.

Lenka Kotingová, M.D., Ph.D.

RNDr. BcA. Tereza Pařilová, Ph.D.

Mgr. Štěpán Kalousek

Mental Health and Illness; Epidemiology, Preventive Strategies, Interdisciplinary Collaboration. (Skorunka 4)  

Health Needs Assessment. Need, Demand, Supply. Priorities in Health Care. Health Care Planning. Health Economy. Financing of Health Care Systems. (Hodačová, Hodač 4)

Health and Culture. Cultural Influence on Health Beliefs and Health/Illness Behaviour. Health status of population and its measurement. Morbidity, mortality, basic indicators. Data sources. (Pařilová, Hodačová, 4)  

Determinants of health. Social determinants of health. Equity in health. Quality measurement and improvements in health care. (Pařilová 4)  

Social Pediatrics: the Main Risk Factors in Child Health Development, Foster and Institutional Care, Related Risks. Syndrome CAN. 

Quality of life. (Hodačová, Kotingová 4)  

Healthcare law. (Kalousek 4)  

Demography. Public Health and Aging. Sources and Critical Use of Health Information.

The Ageing of Population and Consequences for Health Policy and Health Care. Social Consequences of Chronic Morbidity, Disability in Older People. Special Care for Elderly, Integrated Community Care. Hospices. (Hodačová 4)  

Project Presentation. Obtaining Credit. (Hodačová 4)


The Public Health and Medical Law course is part of the state exam from Preventive Medicine in the 6th year.  

Attendance at lectures and vigilance at compulsory seminars is recommended to gain all the basic and up-to date knowledge of the field.


Public health. Determinants of health, social determinants.

Health status of population, main health problems of the European population. Demography, and its importance for health care, ageing of population and its consequences for health and social care.

Basic principles and applications of epidemiology, types of epidemiological studies. Disease prevention and health promotion.

Health needs assessment. Health policy, health care systems.

Health economy and financing of health care. Health care management.

Health legislation. Mental health and illness.

Social pediatrics. World Health Organization and its importance.

Quality of life.