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Biofyzika a biostatistika

Předmět na Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové |

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Introduction to biophysics (Hanus 3)

Descriptive statistics (Selke Krulichova 2)

Probability (Selke Krulichova 2)

Dispersions, concentration (Masin 3)

Membrane potential, AP (Kremlacek 2)

Electrocardiography, electrocardiogram (Kremlacek 1)

Osmosis, Starling hypothesis (Masin 1)

Cardiac cycle (Hanus 2)

Heart work (Hanus 1)

Rheology (Hanus 2)

Stimulus and response (Kremlacek 1)

Physical acoustics (Masin 2)

Physiological acoustics (Masin 1)

Eye as an optical instrument (Masin 2)

Photoreceptors (Masin 1)

Light and electron microscopy (Zahora 1)

Special optical imaging methods (Zahora 2)

Ionizing radiation (Hanus 1)

Interaction and biological effect of ionizing radiation (Hanus 2)

Radiation protection, dosimetry (Hanus 1)

Radiography, fluoroscopy (Hanus 2)

Computed tomography (Hanus 1)

Ultrasound (Hanus 2)

Magnetic resonace imaging (Kremlacek 1)

Lasers (Hanus 2)

New materials and methods (Hanus 1)

 Practical courses & seminars


Prof. Jan Kremlacek, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Assoc. Prof. Josef Hanus, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Ales Bezrouk, MS, Ph.D.

Martin Kopecek, M.Sc.

Vladimir Masin, M.D., Ph.D.

Iva Selke Krulichova, MS, Ph.D.

Jiri Zahora, MS, Ph.D.

 Practical courses

Introduction to biophysics and Information systems

Descriptive statistics


Hypothesis testing

Correlation and regression

Excel statistics 1

Excel statistics 2

Lab 1

Seminar to test 1

Lab 2


Lab 3

Seminar to test 2

Lab 4


Lab 5

Seminar to test 3

Lab 6 

Test III

Project presentation I

Project presentation II




Biofyzika: Biofyzika krevního oběhu, smyslů, ionizujícího a neionizujícího záření, ultrazvuk, CT, MRI, zpracování textů, tabulkové kalkulátory Biostatitika: pravděpodobnost, popisná statistika, experimentální a teoretická rozdělení, testování hypotéz, regrese a korelace