Vyučující: Mgr. Dagmar Vrběcká, Ph.D. Mgr. Zuzana Jurenková Bajerová James David Clubb, B.A. MUDr. Cyrus Rasti Praktická cvičení a semináře
1. Společný seminář. Úvod. Human body. Doctors and hospitals. Irregular plurar forms. Pronunciation.
2. Musculoskeletal system and pain. Making questions.
3. Gastro-intestinal system. Expressing the future.
4. Cardiovascular and respiratory system. Pronunciation.
5. Reproductive and genito-urinary system. Expressing the past.
6. Nervous system. Adjectives some and any.
7. Společný seminář. Mistakes in English grammar and lexicology. Oral credit information.
8. Mental diseases. Phrasal verbs.
9. Credit activities